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Law school

We have a very serious approach to the issue of elections of the school, as it determines your career. The program J.D. last 3 year (full-time), 4 years (evening classes). Studying very hard and takes up all the time. Not only in terms of the assigned (on one subject is a must-read about 100 pages per week + cases), but that assessment выставяются the "curve (curve) - i.e., only a certain % of all students receives A defined B etc. i.e. each class and each semester, you are not simply trying to show himself as a good student, but also compete with совими classmates for evaluation. These assessments will determine your professional destiny, it is looking at them, you will be hired or not, on the first job. Not to mention the fact that at the end of the first year is dismissed without the right to recovery (in any other law school in the country), if you don't gain a certain average score. All this ensures high enough level of lawyers.

To enter the J.D. need to take the LSAT and provide all documents through the system LSAC (lsac.org) for evaluation. The LSAT (Law School Admission Test) is dealt 4 times a year (June, October, December, February). This 4-hour test on knowledge of logic, understanding and analysis of the reading. Test in most cases will determine your chances of admission and range of schools.

To select a school is necessary, first, to deal with ABA-approved school, i.e., law school accredited by the American lawyers Association. Only graduates of these schools have the right сдвать examination for a license. Graduates of accredited schools, must first have a Baby Bar preliminary exam in license and only with good result will be permitted to sit the qualification examination on completion of studies.

The following issue when choosing a school that one must take into account is a school ranking school tier), i.e., what place among law schools does your. Naturally, the higher the rank of the school, the better for you. For admission to a good school in addition to the results of the tests are very appreciative of your answers and your documents, that is what you will choose. The test allows you to be accepted into a group of applicants who have not sent the automatic denial of your documents will be solved, will take you to the program or not.

Deadline for receipt on a J.D. from the average of 1 December to good schools. The cost of school 1 tier - 40тыс per year, 2 tier - 20 thousand (in average), the high LSAT score exist entry strategy for the scholarship.

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