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Being a good manager

In today's competitive world, we find that different companies and businesses need managers with different management abilities. While not everyone's view (1) ____ what makes a good manager is the same, it seems that (2) ____ good managers have certain qualities in common- (3) ___ work environment requires different skills. A good manager in one company or business (4)___ not be as good in another. (5) ___ are, however, various trails that all good managers should have.

In a large corporation, (6) ____ organisation and planning are essential, the responsibility (7) _____ the managing director is to motivate and keep the managers informed so they can do their best In a small company or business, (8) ____ the owner or managers job is to train and motivate the employees directly, without having the help of (9) ___ middle management.

In (10) ___ case, the skills required are quite different. Even though (11) ____ a good manager is vital to all businesses, it is even more so in small ones. Research shows that the style and approach of the owner or manager in a small company, usually determines the

character and attitude (12) ____ its employees will adopt.


1. А of B in C for
2. А every B all C none
3. А All B Some C Each
4. А might B must C would
5. А They B There C It
6. А who B where C which
7. А of B to C on
8. А although B despite C however
9. А any B some C no
10. А which B this C those
11. А be B being C been
12. А who B what C that





Points) Syntax. Organise the correct order of words in Special question. Write your answers (letters A, B, C or D) in the boxes.


a: Other words in the sentence

b: Subject

c: Question wordв

d: Main verb




X 1 points) Lexis. Complete the sentences putting in phrasal verbs according to the meaning. Write your answers (letters A, B, C, D or E) in the boxes.


1: Sorry I’m late. The car a: took off
2: …! There is a car coming b: get up
3: It was my first flight. I was nervous as the plane c: get on
4: I was very tired this morning. I couldn’t d: look out
5: How was the exam? How did you …? e: broke down
6: My French isn’t very good but it’s enough to  




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