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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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The Noun

$$$ 1A

a secretary

Choose the plural form of the following noun:

A) secretaries

B) secretares

C) secretare

D) secretary

E) secretaryie


$$$ 2D

Choose the plural form of the following nouns:

As presents their … got ….

A) wives / handkerchieves

B) wifes / handkerchiefs

C) wife / handkerchiefs

D) wives / handkerchiefs

E) wifes / handkerchieves


$$$ 3E

Choose the plural form of the following noun:


A) Shipes

B) Shippes

C) Shipies

D) Ship

E) Ships


$$$ 4С

Choose the correct answer.

There are a lot of … in the farm.

A) Sheeppes

B) Sheeps

C) Sheep

D) Sheepes

E) Sheepies


$$$ 5В

Choose the plural form of the following noun:


A) Child

B) Children

C) Childs

D) Childes

E) Childrens


$$$ 6А

Choose the plural form of the following nouns:

A leaf, a goose, a tooth

A) Leaves, geese, teeth

B) Leaves, goosies, teeth

C) Leaves, geese, tooths

D) Leaves, gooses, teeth

E) Leaf, geese, teeth


$$$ 7С

A noun in singular form:

A) books

B) bags

C) notebook

D) games

E) pens


$$$ 8С

Choose the plural form of the following noun:

“a man”:

A) Manes

B) Mans

C) Men

D) Mens

E) Man


$$$ 9A

Choose the plural form of the following noun:

A goose

A) geese

B) gooses

C) geeses

D) geethes

E) –


$$$ 10 B

Choose the plural form of the following noun:

A mouse

A) mouse

B) mice

C) mouses

D) mices

E) –


$$$ 11A

Find the noun having the same form in plural and singular:

A) a sheep

B) a woman

C) a mouse

D) a child

E) a map


$$$ 12 C

Find the noun having the same form in plural and singular:

A) goose

B) ox

C) swine

D) flag

E) –


$$$ 13 E

Find the noun having the same form in plural and singular:

A) watch

B) foot

C) car

D) tooth

E) deer


$$$ 14 B

Choose the plural form of the following word combination:

I am a doctor.

A) I am doctors

B) We are doctors

C) We doctors

D) Were we doctors

E) We are doctor


$$$ 15 B

Choose the plural form of the following nouns:

Tax, radio, dress.

A) Taxen, radios, dresses

B) Taxes, radios, dresses

C) Taxes, radios, dressis

D) Taxis, radios, dresses

E) Taxes, radios, dressen


$$$ 16B

Choose the plural form of the following nouns:

dress, box, potato.

A) dress, boxes, potatoes

B) dresses, boxes, potatoes

C) dresis, boxes, potatos

D) dresses, boxs, potatos

E) dreses, boxes, potato


$$$ 17C

Give the plural form of the noun foot:

A) foots

B) footes

C) feet

D) feets

E) foot


$$$ 18D

Choose the correct answer:

… in our house are so annoying. We definitely need a cat.


A) mouses

B) mices

C) mousees

D) mice

E) -


$$$ 19 C

Choose the correct answer:

My little son is afraid of grey … that come at night.

A) wolfys

B) wolvies

C) wolves

D) wolvys

E) wolvs


$$$ 20 A

Choose the correct answer:

It is rather dangerous to walk on … after the rain.

A) roofs

B) roofes

C) rooves

D) roovs

E) -


@@@Verb «to be», «to have»

$$$ 1A

Choose the right variant:

My brother … an engineer last year.

A) was

B) are

C) is

D) were

E) am


$$$ 2E

Choose the right variant:

There … a sports center in Moscow.

A) Are

B) Were

C) Been

D) Be

E) Is


$$$ 3A

Choose the right variant:

Mag and her sister … in Rome last summer.

A) were

B) am

C) is

D) are

E) was


$$$ 4B

Choose the right variant:

Once upon a time there … three little pigs.

A) Was

B) Were

C) Are

D) Be

E) Is


$$$ 5B

Choose the right variant:

She … in the fifth form.

A) am

B) is

C) been

D) were

E) are


$$$ 6C

Choose the right variant:

Here... money.

A) Be

B) Are

C) Is

D) Am

E) Been


$$$ 7E

Choose the right variant:

There … nobody in the room.

A) Been

B) Am

C) Be

D) Are

E) Is


$$$ 8D

Choose the right variant:

You... soup for breakfast last week.

A) have

B) will have

C) has

D) had

E) hasn’t


$$$ 9B

Choose the right variant:

The children … sometimes absolutely naughty.

A) am

B) are

C) is

D) was

E) does


$$$ 10C

Choose the right variant:

There … some big trees in the garden.

A) Is

B) Was

C) Are

D) Am

E) Been


$$$ 11A

Choose the right variant:

... the pupіls playіng when you came?

A) Were

B) Do

C) Are

D) Dіd

E) Was


$$$ 12D

Choose the right variant:

Тhese books... interesting.

A) Is

B) Am

C) Be

D) Are

E) Been


$$$ 13E

Choose the right variant:

There … three lamps in the room.

A) Was

B) Am

C) Is

D) Be

E) Are


$$$ 14E

Choose the right variant:

There … someone at the door.

A) Were

B) Be

C) Are

D) Am

E) Is


$$$ 15D

Choose the right variant:

Knowledge … power.

A) Were

B) Am

C) Been

D) Is

E) Are


$$$ 16 D

Choose the right variant:

There … telephones in every room.

A) Am

B) Be

C) Is

D) Are

E) Was


$$$ 17A

Choose the right variant:

My glasses... on the table.

A) Are

B) Been

C) Be

D) Am

E) Is


$$$ 18D

Choose the right variant:

There … some oranges and apples on the table.

A) Be

B) –

C) Am

D) Are

E) Is


$$$ 19B

Choose the right variant:

My sister... a clever girl.

A) Be

B) Is

C) Been

D) Am

E) Are


$$$ 20E

Choose the right variant:

There … a lot of sugar on the floor.

A) Been

B) Are

C) Am

D) Be

E) Is


$$$ 21A

Choose the right variant:

There … several beautiful parks in this city.

A) Are

B) Was

C) Is

D) Be

E) Been


$$$ 22D

Choose the right variant:

There … a comfortable chair in the room.

A) Were

B) Am

C) Be

D) Is

E) Are


$$$ 23B

Choose the right variant:

I … at home yesterday.

A. were

B. was

C. am

D. have

E. has


$$$ 24C

Choose the right variant:

We … at the theatre now.

A. was

B. weren’t

C. are

D. has

C. have


$$$ 25 B

Choose the right variant:

My grandmother … a pianist.

A. am

B. was

C. were

D. are

E. weren’t


$$$ 26 A

Choose the right variant:

… you at work yesterday?

A. were

B. was

C. are

D. wasn’t

E. is


$$$ 27 C

Choose the right variant:

Where … he last month?

A. is

B. were

C. was

D. isn’t

E. aren’t


$$$ 28 B

Choose the right variant:

We … … at school yesterday.

A. was not

B. were not

C. are not

D. isn’t

E. am not


$$$ 29 A

Choose the right variant:

… they late?

A. were

B. was

C. is

D. has

E. wasn’t


$$$ 30C

Choose the right variant:

Mary … … a piano.

A. have

B. have not

C. has not

D. does

E. did


$$$ 31A

Choose the right variant:

… they any relatives?

A. have

B. hasen’t

C. has

D. hasn’t

E. does


$$$ 32 B

Choose the right variant:

… we an English lesson yesterday?

A. have

B. had

C. has

D. hasn’t

E. haven’t



Choose the right variant:

They … a comfortable flat last year.

A. has

B. have

C. had

D. haven’t

E. do


$$$ 34 B

Choose the right variant:

He … a good library.

A. have

B. has

C. haven’t

D. does

E. did


$$$ 35 B

Choose the right variant:

Vera … a cat

A. haven’t

B. has

C. have

D. is

E. does


$$$ 36A

Choose the right variant:

The students … new dictionaries.

A. have

B. do

C. has

D. doesn’t

E. hasn’t


$$$ 37 B

Choose the right variant:

I … many stamps.

A. has

B. have

C. do

D. doesn’t

E. hasn’t


$$$ 38B

Choose the right variant:

You … a bicycle.

A. has been

B. have

C. has

D. haden’t

E. hasn’t


$$$ 39A

Choose the right variant:

Misha … … a brother.

A. has not

B. have not

C. do not

D. didn’t

E. doesn’t


$$$ 40

Choose the right variant:

French wine … the best in the world.

A. is

B. are

C. does

D. were

E. has



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