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Speak on productive lang. skills to be taught in FLTL: their role and place in the learning process ways of organizing work for their development

The productive skills are speaking and writing, because learners doing these need to produce language. They are also known as active skills. They can be compared with the receptive skills of listening and reading.

Example: Learners have already spent time practicing receptive skills with a shape poem, by listening to it and reading it. They now move on to productive skills by group writing their own, based on the example.

In the classroom: Certain activities, such as working with literature and project work, seek to integrate work on both receptive and productive skills.

Their product can be an essay, a book, a research paper or a speech.

Speaking Skills: - Speaking skill needs a strong input, a vast outlook and refined ideas. More-even, it requires psychological order of expression as well. All these things are necessary to give the speaker a confidence to express what he is going to communicate. The foremost purpose of communication is to convince the listeners for the viewpoint of the speaker. So the speaker should himself very much clear about his views point. No ambiguity of any kind and on any point should be there in his mind. He should be well-versed with the magnetic impact of the wording and its meaning. He should select appropriate words keeping in view the ability of the listeners. Farther, he can make his speech more effective with suitable illustration, proverbs and quotations. Truthfulness should be the axel of his speech. For the solid and for reaching impact he should avoid emotionalism as far as he can. Realities on ground have their own emotional aspect. He should keep his speech restricted to the ground realities. Writing skills: - For communication point of view the writing should be implicit, clear and in functional language. Un-necessary details should always be avoided. Sometimes a certain point or sub topic gets expands and expands and the core or main topic is over-sighted. Consequently the effectiveness of communication is affected adversely. Clarity is the fundamental requirement of a written work. The writer should be very much clear with what he wants to communicate. Each and every point should be explained explicitly, so as to ensure effectiveness of his communication. The functional language is another basic need of writing skill. Relevant terms for the respective field should be used as and when required For having a firm grip on writing skill study of the work of competent, able and proficient writers is indispensable. Another important factor of an excellent writing skill is to develop stamina for carrying out reading and writing for a longtime at a stretch. A writer should be a good analyst as well. He should posses a fast power of conclusion for making speedy decisions. Summing up the whole written work and making a summary of it is the beauty of writing skill. A student is always in need of improving his writing skills. Libraries canal so help him a lot. However, he should be careful in selecting the books and other written material for study in order to get his faculties of heart and mind enlightened. Through extensive reading he can be a good writer in the times to come.



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