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АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Лексический минимум, необходимый для грамотного написания эссе «за и против»

Вступление. Introduction. Put forward the main idea of your topic.
Аргументы «за». Arguments “for” (PRO ideas). One major advantage of/ one point of view in favour of, One/Another/A further/An additional (major) advantage of... is... The main/greatest/first advantage of... is...
It is… often… widely… generally… claimed/suggested argued/maintained/ felt/believed/held that…
Some/many/ most people/experts/ scientists/sceptics critics…   claim/suggest/argue/feel that... maintain/believe/point out/agree/hold that…
advocate (+ing/noun)/support the view that oppose the view that...
are in favour of/against... are of the opinion that/convinced that… are opposed to...  
Аргументы «против». Arguments “against” (CON(s). One/Another/ A further/An additional (major) disadvantage/drawback of… The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage /drawback of... Another negative aspect of... A further common criticism of... / It could be argued that
Лексические средства логической связи. Useful language and linking words/phrases Firstly/ First of all/ in the first place/ first of all/ to start with/ to begin with/ secondly/ thirdly/ final­ly/ last but not least
what is more/ furthermore/ moreover/ also/ in addition to/ besides/ apart from this/that not to mention the fact that/on the other hand/ however/ in spite of/ while/ whilst/ whereas/ nevertheless/ despite/ even though/ although/ regardless of the fact that
It can be argued that/ one can argue that … It may be said/argued/claimed that… There is another side to the issue/question/argument of... Opponents of…argue/believe/claim that... The fact that…contradicts the belief/idea that... While is true to say that..., in fact... While/Although..., it cannot be denied that...
On the other hand / however / still/ yet / but/ nonetheless / nevertheless / even so… others/ many people… oppose this viewpoint/ (strongly) disagree… claim/feel/believe this argument is incorrect/misguided…  
Введение примеров   or example, for instance, such as, like, in particular, particularly, especially, This is (clearly) illustrated/shown by the fact that... One/A clear/striking/typical example of (this)... The fact that.... shows/illustrates that...
Придать особое значение Clearly/ obviously/ it is obvious/ naturally/ of course/ needless to say/ indeed
Подчеркнуть реальность In fact/ the fact (of the matter) is/ actually/ in practice/ it is a fact that/ in effect
Обобщение as a (general) rule/ generally/ in general/ on the whole/ by and large/ in most cases
Введение относительно/частично верных высказываний/ to a certain extent/degree, to some extent/degree, in a way/sense/ this is partly true (but)/ to a limited extent/ there is some truth in (this)/ in some cases/ up to a point
Дать объяснение in other words/ that is to say/ this/which means that
Выражение причины owing to/ due to fact that/ on account of/ on the grounds that/ given that/ because/ as/ since
Выражение результата/ влияния therefore/ thus/ as result/consequence/ consequently/ so for this reason, if... were to happen,… the effect/ result would be...
Выражение цели/ стремления To/ so as to/ in order to/ so that/ with the intention of (+ing)
Заключение. Conclusion. to sum up/ all in all/ all things considered/ in conclusion/ on the whole/ above all/ as was previously stated/ For the above-mentioned reasons, therefore, I (firmly) believe that... Taking everything into account, I therefore conclude/feel/believe (that)… All things considered, the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that... There is no absolute answer to the question of… In the light of this evidence, it is clear/obvious/etc that...
In conclusion/ On balance/ All things considered/ Taking everything into account/consideration/ To conclude/ To sum up/ all in all/ Finally/lastly… …it can/must be said/claimed that... …it seems/appears that... … It would seem that... …it is likely/unlikely/possible/foreseeable that… … It is clear/ obvious that... …there is no/little doubt that... …the best course of action would be to... …achieving a balance between... would be … …it is true to say that... …although it must be said that... …it may be concluded/said that...
In conclusion/ All in all/ To sum up… It is Clear/ apparent/ obvious/ evident... from the… above/ forgoing… evidence/ points/ arguments…
In conclusion/ On balance/ All things considered/ Taking everything into account/consideration/ To conclude/ To sum up/ all in all/ Finally/lastly… …It is my believe/ opinion that… …I (firmly) believe/ feel/think that… …I am convinced that… …I do not agree that/with… Более категоричное высказывание своей точки зрения    


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