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Dams in the Amazon

412 dams are planned across the Amazon rainforest. 256 of them are in Brazil, 77 in Peru, 55 in Ecuador, 14 in Bolivia, six in Venezuela, two in Guyana, and one each in Colombia, French Guyana and Surinam. Five of the six rivers which run through the world's largest tropical forest will be dammed - and damned. All over Brazil, even now, the Amazon's waterways are being blocked and diverted. The river system that provides almost a quarter of the world's fresh water is being dammed, polluted and fouled up.

The dams being built throughout South America present a threat to millions of indigenous people. In Brazil alone, 80,000 people will be displaced.

Those who are most affected by these dams are the communities and indigenous people, who live in the surrounding areas. These megadams are threatening their survival, way of life and culture.

All countries must comply with Article 169 of the International Labour Organization's Convention. It is imperative that indigenous rights, including the right to 'free, prior and informed consent,' are respected. Indigenous peoples' land and territorial rights must be protected in accordance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and with State obligations under related human rights instruments.

I cannot understand why the Latin American countries where megadams are planned, do not opt for renewable energy instead of building these costly - both economically and in terms of human rights - dams. Everything these governments claim that these megadams will deliver could instead be achieved with renewable energy, which would not have the same devastating impact on this vast, fragile ecosystem. Renewable energy is not merely the solution to Latin America's mounting energy needs: it is the solution to all our needs. Promoting renewable energy must now become a global and universal priority. These technologies are the only viable solution to the imminent energy crisis. Nothing is macro-economically more necessary, more practical or cheaper than the conversion of our energy systems from conventional energies to renewable energy.

Date: 2015-07-17; view: 315; Нарушение авторских прав; Помощь в написании работы --> СЮДА...

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