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Exercises. A. Вместо пропусков вставьте один из предлогов: on, for, by, of, with

A. Вместо пропусков вставьте один из предлогов: on, for, by, of, with.

1.We are remitting by check... your bank an amount due on my note to a bank in Florida.

2.The Federal Reserve Banks perform a lot of services... us.

3.The Federal Reserve Banks perform as representatives... the agency that controls the currency and public funds of the United States.

4.I’m remitting... check on your bank an amount due on my note to a bank in Florida.

5.Many of our dealings... the Federal Reserve Banks concern the clear­ing of checks.


B. Вставьте одно из слов или словосочетаний вместо пропусков: drawee, endorsed with recourse, face value, fiscal, liable, payee, rediscounted, refi­nancing, subscribed, United States Treasury.

1. When we became a member of the Federal Reserve System, we agreed to take a share in financing the System. We... to some stock.

2. The Federal Reserve Banks perform a lot of services for us as represen­tatives of the agency that controls the currency and public funds of the United States. This agency is called the

3. Anything having to do with public funds is a... matter.

4. These banks assist us in other ways. If our cash reserve becomes low, they’ll accept from us any notes that can be sold at a price less than their value at maturity. They’ll accept any notes that can be....

5. They help in the issuing of new bonds to replace ones that have matured. They help in... bonds that have reached maturity.

6. Many of our dealings with the Federal Reserve Banks concern the clearing of checks. Checks flowing through the System are cleared at the value written onthe face of the check. They’re cleared at....

7. These checks are endorsed in such a way that the parties who endorse them must make payment if the other parties to the transaction refuse payment. The checks are

8. A party who endorses the check is... for the amount.

9. The bank on which the check is drawn is called the....

10. The party to whom a payment is made is called the....


C. Напишите пять английских предложений, используя одно из выражений: drawee bank, face value, fiscal agents, fiscal policy, transit department.

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