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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple

Put a or the

1. He's ___ best friend that I have.
2. Let's go to ___ mountains!
3. She has ___ really funny dog.
4. My uncle works as ___ photographer.
5. That is ___ good idea!
6. When I'm older, I want to become ___ doctor.
7. Do you live in ___ USA?
8. I still have ___ little money.
9. I live in ___ house, not an apartment.
10. I waited for ___ hour.



Grammar Task № 2

Form the plural form

1. A bus- ten …
2. A woman- two …
3. A fish- three …
4. A photo- five …
5. A lady- four …
6. A girl- six …
7. A mouse- nine …
8. A toy- three …
9. A knife- ten …
10. A tomato- four …


Grammar Task № 3

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple

1. He ___ his wife to the concert. (to bring)
2. She ___ alone. (to come)
3. I ___ a great time yesterday. (to have)
4. My cousins ___ to India during the summer. (to go)
5. My sister ___ beautifully when she was younger. (to sing)
6. The police ___ the thief. (to catch)
7. She ___ at home all evening. (to be)
8. My friend ___ seven bottles of beer. (to drink)
9. I ___ her an email. (to write)
10. My husband ___ me flowers for my birthday. (to give)



Grammar Task № 4

Choose the verbs into the Present Perfect

1. I am speaking to you. I have ___ to you.
2. That man is driving a car. That man has ___ a car.
3. My friend is sleeping. My friend has ___.
4. She is in Prague. She has ___ in Prague.
5. They are arguing about money. They have ___ money.
6. They are taking a test. They have ___ a test.
7. She is eating. She has___.
8. I am listening to music. I have ___ to music.
9. The musician is playing a song. The musician has ___ a song.
10. She is flying to Berlin. She has ___ to Berlin.


Grammar Task № 5

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple

On the 15-th of October, two men (to try) to get to the top of Everest. They (to make) their camp at the bottom of the mountain. They (to feel) very well in it. It (to be) the highest camp on the mountain. The night before the climb, they (to drink) tea and had supper. They (to discuss) what to take with them to the top. They (to decide) to leave their sleeping bags and tents behind because the equipment (to be) too heavy. Early in the morning they (to have) breakfast and (to get) dressed. Then they (to start) to go up the mountain. It (to be) extremely difficult. The snow (to be) very deep. After a long, hard fight they (to reach) the top together. They (to laugh), (to shout) and (to take) some photographs. Then the sun (to disappear) and the two men (to realise) they (to be) on the top of Everest and it (to be) almost night. Their camp (to be) too far to reach. They (to go) a little way down the mountain, but there (to be) no moon and it (to be) too dangerous. They (to have) to spend the night on the mountain, at about 10,000 metres, with no tent, sleeping bags or food. They (to believe) it (to be) possible. They (to dig) a hole in the snow, and (to bury) themselves. They (not to sleep). It (to be) -30 °C. When the light (to come) at last they (to begin) climbing down, and soon they (to get) to their camp. Everybody (to be) happy.


Grammar Task № 6

Change to the plural

1. I’m a student. …
2. She is a woman. …
3. This is a goose. …
4. He is a policeman. …
5. That is a big monkey. …
6. It is a guitar. …
7. It is a nice baby….

8. He is a boy. …

9. This is a book. …

10. It is blue. …

Grammar Task № 7

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