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Unit 3. Written communication


Warming up.

a. What forms of written communication in business do you know?

b. Which of them do you usually use at your workplace?

c. Which of them do you use rarely and why?


Look at the graph and tell what you know about these methods of written communication.

Work in pairs. Match each sentence with a particular workplace communication given above. Guess what form of written communication is not described and suggest your description of it.

1. It is primarily a source of information to the management or an individual which presents facts, conclusion, and recommendations in simple and clear words, in a logical and well defined structure to help decision making.

2. These are generally short means of written communication within an organization. They are used to convey specific information to the people within an organization.

3. It is one of the most important types of written business communication having a good appealing layout and an impact on goodwill of the organization, divided into paragraphs, enclosed in an envelope, and used for future reference.

4. These are basically a written record of key information or occurrence within a meeting. They will typically include any significant decisions or agreements and provide a useful summary of key issues or points raised within any discussions.

5. These are usually the least formal method of written communication within the workplace and will usually include various notices or information relating to welfare and safety issues. This approach may also be utilized to inform employees of forthcoming events.

6. These are written records of established practices such as instructions on how to undertake specific tasks and work policies helping new employees to understand key procedures and approaches and then put these into practice in their daily work.


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