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Education in England

In England and Wales compulsory school begins at the age of five, but before that age children can go to a nursery school, also called play school. School is compulsory till the children are 16 years old.

In Primary School and First School children learn to read and write and the basis of arithmetic. In the higher classes of Primary School (or in Middle School) children learn geography, history, religion and, in some schools, a foreign language. Then children go to the Secondary School.

When students are 16 years old they may take an exam in various subjects in order to have a qualification. These qualifications can be either G.C.S.E. (General Certificate of Secondary Education) or "O level" (Ordinary level). After that students can either leave school and start working or continue their studies in the same school as before. If they continue, when they are 18, they have to take further examinations which are necessary for getting into university or college.

Some parents choose private schools for their children. They are very expensive but considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities.

In England there are 47 universities, including the Open University which teaches via TV and radio, about 400 colleges and institutes of higher education. The oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. Generally, universities award two kinds of degrees: the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree.

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Билет №8


Tourism is becoming more and more popular. It’s one of the best ways to spend a holiday. It’s also a well-developed business nowadays. There are so many means of travelling around the world, such as jet-planes, express trains, cruise liners, comfortable buses, personal cars and else. We can choose what’s best for us. I’m glad that tourism has become more available because I love travelling. I have already visited several nearby countries, such as Ukraine, Abkhazia, Turkey, Belarus, Poland and Czech Republic. My parents often take me to other countries and cities on holiday. They also let me travel with school group to Europe by bus. Last year we visited Poland and Czech Republic. I should say it was a great trip and we saw lots of famous sights. I think people travel for various reasons. Some want to visit the places of interest, others want to swim and sunbathe at the sea shore. Some want to go on cruise while others want to work or study in foreign countries. There are people who simply want to make new friends. There are also cases when sick people need treatment in other countries. Tourism has made all these aims achievable. Most travelers carry a camera with them to capture memorable objects or moments. Interesting objects may include ancient ruins, old churches and monasteries, castles, waterfalls, mountains and other places of interest. Having such photos, people can later be reminded of the happy times they’ve had. I’m one of them because I have already taken so many photos of different sights. I think tourism has almost no disadvantages, except making people less patriotic. With the development of international tourism, people have become less interested in culture and the attractions of their native country. In fact, our country has a great number of wonderful places to offer.

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Билет №9


Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games. Firstly, sport helps people to become strong and to develop physically. Secondly, it makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. Also sport keeps your mind healthy. Sport helps people to keep in good health. We all need to exercise. Regular exercises gives you more energy. Exercises make you feel and look better. The best exercises are: walking, jogging or swimming. Among the sports popular in our country are football, basketball, swimming, volley-ball, ice hockey, tennis, gymnastics, figure skating. A person can choose sports and games for any season, for any taste.

Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, bodybuilding, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children's daily activity in the kindergartens. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges.

Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our republic. There are different sporting societies clubs and complexes. The most famous of them are the Olympic complexes "Luzhniki", "Dynamo" stadium, etc. They are used for international and world competitions.


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Билет №10



One can distinguish two branches of human work: the arts and the sciences. The sciences require knowledge, observation, identification, description, experimentation and theoretical explanation.

The arts on the contrary require skill. That means the ability to work well with a part of his or her body. It is the combination of talent and technique. An artist is a man who can do something well with his own hands and tools. Some time ago everything that was made with tools was "artificial", not natural. The word "manufacture", for example, once meant "to make by hand"

Everything is a bit different nowadays. The word "art" has a special meaning. It means something beautiful. The paintings of skilled painters are appreciated and admired by millions of people today, by those who can see the beauty. Art comprises weaving rugs, tapestries, ceramic work. So there are a lot of types of art. Nevertheless one can trace basic principles in art. All kinds of it require the same characteristics. The separate parts of a work of art should be arranged in pattern. The form itself, a pleasing shape and balance are extremely important.

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Билет №11

Mass Media

Mass media (that is, the press, the radio and television) play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Mass media mould public opinion. Millions of people in their spare time watch TV and read newspapers.

Everybody can find there something interesting for him. On the radio one can hear music, plays, news and various discussions or commentaries of current events. Multiple radio or TV games and films attract a large audience. Newspapers are used in different ways, but basically they are read.


There is a lot of advertisment on mass media. Some of the TV and radio stations and newspapers are owned by different corporations. The owners can advertise whatever they choose.


But it is hardly fair to say that mass media do not try to raise cultural level of the people or to develop their artistic taste. Mass media brings to millions of homes not only entertaiment and news but also cultural and educational programs.

ТОО «КОЛЛЕДЖ МЕНЕДЖМЕНТА И БИЗНЕСА Города аСТАНЫ» Система менеджмента качества Экзаменационные билеты промежуточной аттестации Ф-УП-ЭБПА-03 Издание 1 Стр.12 из 35


Билет №12

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