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Higher education structure.

Вариант №1

Тема № 1:Высшее образование в России и за рубежом.

Higher education structure.

Over the last ten years, the system of higher education has undergone considerable change in the following areas:

  • Goals - with an orientation towards the needs of the market, society, and individuals;
  • Structure - decentralization (in contrast to Soviet centralized planning);
  • Autonomy of higher educational institutions - introduction of private higher education; four- and two-year programs in parallel with the traditional five-year program; elimination of a bias towards engineering specialties;
  • Financing - diversification of financial sources instead of a reliance solely on state financing;
  • Content - increasing the humanitarian components in the curriculum, and diversifying programs and courses

Following the provisions of the 1992 Law on Education and responding to the rising demand and the need to generate revenue, the state educational institutions acquired more autonomy, opened new programs and started enrolling commercial students. New non-governmental universities and institutions have been set up. By 2002 they numbered 384.

Nevertheless the Russian higher education system remains relatively centralized: the Federal Government provides no less than 50% of all higher education institutional expenditures and keeps all state-owned institutions' funds under strict control through a special system of treasury accounts, it provides accreditation, attestation and licensing of all institutions, private or public, it establishes considerably detailed unified standards of HE programs defining the curricula and content for all disciplines and it maintains a monopoly on issuing degree level diploma certificates.

At present, the current Russian HE community consists of over 1000 HEIs, 655 of which are state institutions. In 1990 there were only about 700 institutions. During the last 10 years, both state and non-state HEIs have created more than 2000 branches. Of these, 64% are registered as state institutions, and 36 % as non-state HEIs.

As for the distribution of students on these two types of institutions, of the total of 6 million students, about 5.2 million or 87% are registered at state HEI. Thus, 36% of non-state institutions enrol about 13 % of students. This means that many of the private institutions are fairly small and mainly have local importance in their respective region. Private institutions were mainly opened for the professions that were demanded by the labour market: lawyers, economists and accountants.

A large number of the faculty members at private universities are full-time employees at public universities. They are employed as part-time staff in private institutions to teach general courses that every university is expected to offer.

Many private institutions are established by individuals or businesses, but others are closely linked to central governmental structures. The latter, for instance ministries and committees of the state Duma, have been involved as founders and co-founders of institutions. The public sector has also contributed by physical infrastructure, or financial support to the private institutions, many of which are closely linked to governmental structures.

Задание 1.

1.1.Определите, является утверждение:

The Russian higher education system remains relatively centralized.

a. истинным

b. ложным

c. в тексте нет информации

1.2.Определите, является утверждение:

The public sector is not closely linked to governmental structures.

a. истинным

b. ложным

c. в тексте нет информации

1.3.Определите, является утверждение:

The system of higher education has undergone considerable change resulting in generating revenue.

a. истинным

b. ложным

c. в тексте нет информации

Задание 2.

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) соответствует следующая информация:

Autonomy of higher educational institutions is introduction of private higher education; four- and two-year programs in parallel with the traditional five-year program; elimination of a bias towards engineering specialties.

Задание 3.

Ответьте на вопрос:

What is the public center linked to?

a. commercial organizations

b. governmental structures

c. private institutions

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