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Of informational policy


T.N. Chumachenko - Candidate of Political Science, The chair of international relations Abai KNPU


The article is devoted to some theoretical aspects and the basic components of information policy. The author analyzes an informational policy as the measures to control State’s informational environment, cyber space, and mass consciousness and protect them from influence and intervention. The article presents some internal and external threats, which may be organized by geopolitical competitors or internal opposition to destabilize social order. Informational security measures can be divided into internal (within the State) and external (international) levels. As a rule, in developed countries there are special agencies, which deal with information security and decide what kind of informational streams should be available for public. The article analyzes such a thing as an information war.

Кeywords: informational warfare, information policy, Informational security, informational streams.


Informational policy is the measures to control State’s informational environment, cyber space, and mass consciousness and protect them from influence and intervention. It is also means to respond all internal and external threats, which are organized by geopolitical competitors or internal opposition to destabilize social order.


1 Field Manual No 100-6 (FM-100-6) Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington DC, P.24

2 “Information Warfare” Brian C. Lewis wap source: http://www.fas.org/irp/eprint/snyder/infowarfare.htm

3 M Castells. ”The Information Age: Economy, Society, And Culture” Volume I ”The Rise of The Network Society” Blackwell Publishers Inc. USA 1999 P. 477.

4 M Castells. ”The Information Age; Economy, Society and Culture” Volume III “End Of Millennium” P.356 - 360 Blackwell Publishers Inc. USA 1999.

5 Manuel Castells. ”The Information Age: Economy, Society, And Culture” Volume II”The Power of Indentity” Blackwell Publishers Inc. USA, 1999. - P.359.

6 John Arquilla & David Ronfield.”The Advent of Net war” RAND 1996. - P. 33-34.



Чумаченко Т.Н. – с.ғ.к., халықаралық қатынастар кафедрасының аға оқытушысы, [email protected]

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