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Suggested activities


a Explain the meaning of the following in English:


• a lobby group • a steering group • pro-European • the Yes campaign • the Noes campaign • BFS

b Summarise the different viewpoints on Britain's membership in the Euro (your answers to the following questions will help you):

The European Movement

1 Is it a British group?

2 Does it support or oppose Britain's membership in the Euro?

3 Why do you think the author called the Movement's strategic document «glossy»?

4 What referendum did it propose?

5 For what purpose did it set up a steering group?

6 Where does their money come from, judging by the article?

7 Is it heading the Yes campaign?

The citizens of the UK

1 Do most people of the UK support or oppose the British membership in the Euro, according to the article?

The British Government

1 Does the Government comprise the House of Commons, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Prime Minister?

2 What signing-up did the government declare?

3 For what time are the pro-Europeans in the Government planning to hold the referendum?

4 Are they optimistic, judging by the author's appraisal?

5 When did the Treasury plan to join the single European currency?

6 Who called their advertising campaign «a familiarisation exercise», «political education», «propaganda»?

The House of Lords

1 Is it a part of the British Government?.

2 Is there any hint in the article about the attitude of the House of Lords to the British membership in the


3 Do the 29 groups mentioned in the article support the Yes or Noes campaign?

4 What is the BFS campaign? When did it start?

5 Does Big Business support it?


с Draw a table showing who supported the Yes campaign and the Noes campaign at the time the article was published. The table may look like this:



d Have another look at the diagram given below the text and answer the following questions:


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