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The Pigeon Drop Scheme


The pigeon drop scheme has many variations and the following is but one possible scenario. A stranger approaches you on the street and starts up a conversation. As you are conversing another stranger nearby claims to' having just found a large amount of money. The discussion turns to what should be done with the money. Stranger number two claims to work for a lawyer and leaves to seek legal advice.

The finder returns to say that the lawyer advises to say that the money should be put into a trust for a certain amount of time, until the owner is located. If unclaimed at the end of the time period, the money is to be shared among those in the group. However, to ensure that all those in the group are legitimate, a specified amount of money is to be deposited in the trust by each member of the group.

The con-artist then adds that once the lawyer has all the money, for an additional fee, the waiting period can be waived. Both strangers then advise you to withdraw the amount of money required.

The stranger who claims to work for the lawyer then offers to take the money to the lawyer, sign the papers and return with your share. The stranger then returns and advises that the lawyer wants to speak to you personally, and gives you directions to the office. Your search for the office is fruitless and you soon realize that you have been conned.

This con, like many, appeals to a weakness in human nature... the desire to get something for nothing.


Land Speculation


People wishing to purchase a vacation or retirement property often find themselves trapped in land investment schemes. Through the use of slick advertising, unscrupulous promoters seduce potential victims into buying worthless property. If the price seems too good to be true or it is «an urgent once in a lifetime opportunity» you may be buying a desert bed miles from civilization or swamp land that remain under water even during a drought. Never purchase property sight unseen. Visit the area, view the property, and have it properly appraised.


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