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Suggested activities


a Place appropriate number before each title of the paragraph to make a plan of the text:


............................. Us currency flow into Russia

............................ Arms trafficking

............................ Theft of nuclear materials

............................ Undervalued invoices

............................ Organized crime groups

............................ Fraudulent purchase contracts


b Mark the true sentences as T and false ones as F basing your choice on the text:


1 False invoicing schemes, keeping of double books, and contract fraud are very rare methods used to launder money.........................................................................................................................................................

2 A common scenario is a bank transfer of funds abroad for a commercial transaction...................................................................................................................................................................................

3 When the funds for a commercial transaction are wired no special documents are to be presented as a proof of the transaction..............................................................................................................................................

4 The funds wired abroad can be converted to cash............................................................................................

5 There is no way of embezzling state funds......................................................................................................


с Complete the sentences with the following words from the box:

to defraud, deliberately, instances, to launder, purportedly, occur, world markets, embezzled


Another method used................funds involves................in which suppliers never receive payments for products that are................ordered by the state.

2 Schemes................ the state of strategic materials regularly................in which the resources are shipped abroad with................. undervalued invoices and sold at................, the profits of which are................by the perpetrators.


d Sum up what the text says about organized crime in Russia covering:


• various formations

• the number of groups in Russia

• the number of criminal organizations in Moscow and Sankt-Peterburg

• the number of organizations having international contacts

• foreign organized crime groups operating in Russia

• the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia combating organized crime


e Write down the answers on the basis of the text:


1 Is there any connection between shipments of US dollars to Russia and organized crime?..............................................................................................................................................................................

2 Do average Russian citizens buy massive amounts of dollars?.......................................................................

3 Why do Russians convert their earnings to dollars?........................................................................................

4 Why do they reconvert dollars to roubles later?..............................................................................................

5 Are dollars a relatively stable currency?.........................................................................................................


f Write down the questions for the following answers.

g Translate the paragraph speaking about arms trafficking into Russian.


Words and Grammar


h Write out all the words and expressions associated with the following from the text:


false commercial business.................................................................

organized crime.................................................................................

dollars circulation in Russia..............................................................


i Choose the correct variant:


1 Fraudulent purchase contracts (are present/ are presented) as proof of the transaction to have the funds transferred abroad.

2 After the funds (wire/are wired) the legitimized funds can (transfer/be transferred) or (convert/converted) to cash.

3 This method (is also used/is used also) to embezzle state funds.

4 Schemes to defraud the state of strategic materials regularly (occur/are occurring).

5 Organized crime (defines/is defined) as activity of criminal formations of different levels of organizations.


In conclusion


j Explain the meaning of the following in English:


• organized crime • trade in nuclear materials
• fraudulent business transactions • arms trafficking

Skim and scan:

Read the text quickly and write down another possible title of it.


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