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Young Britons avoid learning languages

Two out of three teenagers in Britain are keen to work abroad but most of them don't speak foreign languages. Government figures show that 58 % of 11–18 year olds in the UK have no foreign language skills, and this has a negative effect on the economy.

Most British people are lazy when it comes to learning a foreign language. There are two explanations for this obvious fact: they don’t need to learn a foreign language, foreigners make it too easy for them because they speak English when the British are abroad.

These views expressed in an opinion poll conducted on the streets of London are backed up by figures out this week. The British Government found that 58 percent of 11–18 year olds in the UK do NOT speak a second language. However two thirds of teenagers in Britain want to work abroad when they are older – the countries of choice being Italy, Spain, France or China.

The British Government admits there is a problem - that not enough young people continue learning a second language when they leave school. Teresa Tinley from the country's national centre of languages says it has big implications for the economy: “We are in a competitive global market and we need to be able to speak to our customers and our potential customers. Our trade is mostly orientatedtowards English-speaking countries. But our research shows that our exports are suffering because of this”. The research is seen as further evidence that most young people assume they can get by in a foreign country by speaking only English – something the authorities in London want to change.

(adapted from the BBC)


· avoid – избегать

· are keen – wanting very much to do something

· are backed up by – подтверждаются

· out – зд. обнародованными

· admits – признает

· implications – влияние, последствия

· potential customers – потенциальными клиентами

· further evidence – еще одно подтверждение, свидетельство

· assume – считать, полагать, предполагать

· get by – обойтись без чего-либо; зд. прожить без знания языка


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