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Other types of computers

Today, there are many everyday devices that are basically specialized computers, even though we don't always think of them as computers. Here are a fewcommonexamples:

Mobile phones: Many mobile phones can do a lot of things computers can do, such as browsing the Internet and playing games. Thesephonesare of ten called smartphones.

Game consoles: A game console is a specialized kind of computer that is used for playing video games. Although they are not as fully featured as desktop computers, many newer consoles allow you to perform nongaming tasks like browsing the Web.

TVs: Many TVs now include applications – or apps – that let you access various types of online content. For example, you can view your Facebook News Feed or watch streaming movies on Netflix.

PCs and Macs

Personal computers come in two main styles: PC and Mac. Both are fully functional, but they have a different look and feel, and many people prefer one or the other.

PC: This type of computer began with the original IBM PC that was introduced in 1981. Other companies began creating similar computers, which were called IBM PC Compatible (often shortened to PC). Today, this is the most common type of personal computer, and it typically includes the Microsoft Windows operating system.


Mac: The Macintosh computer was introduced in 1984, and it was the first widely sold personal computer with a graphical user interface, or GUI (pronounced gooey). All Macs are made by one company, Apple Inc., and they almost always use the Mac OS X operating system.

What is an operating system?

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory, processes, and all of its soft ware and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. Without an operating system, a computer is useless.

Watch the video to learn about operating systems.

The operating system's job

Your computer's operating system (OS) manages all of the software and hardware on the computer. Most of the time, there are many different computer programs running at the same time, and they all need to access your computer's central processing unit (CPU), memory, and storage. The operating system coordinates all of this to make sure each program gets what it needs.

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