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Legal system of Kazakhstan


The legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, along with legal systems of Italy, France, Germany, Austria and other countries, belongs to the Roman-German (continental) legal system. As opposed to the Anglo-Saxon legal system (England, the USA), where judicial precedents are the main legal sources, Roman-German legal system has a single hierarchically structured system of enacted law sources. Written constitution (fundamental law) plays the essential role among the law sources in the Roman-German legal system, and has the supreme legal force. In accordance with the article 4 of the Constitution of Kazakhstan, the Law in the Republic is made of the norms of the Constitution, laws which conform to the Constitution, other normative legal acts, treaties and other international obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as normative resolutions of the Constitutional Council and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Hierarchy of the law sources in Kazakhstan is determined by the Law of the RK dated March 24, 1998, “On Normative legal acts.” In accordance with the article 4 of this Law, Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, has the uppermost legal force.

English Kazakh Russian
judicial (adj) сот; заңдық, заңға қатысты судебный; законный, принадлежащийзакону
precedent (n) прецедент прецедент
hierarchic(al) (adj) иерархиялық иерархический
as opposed to (syn) distinguished from or in contrast with ... айырмашылығы,... қарсы в отличие от чего-л., в противоположность чему-л.
obligation (n) кепіл, міндеттеме гарантия, обязательство
conform (v) келісу, ойласу согласовывать, сообразовывать


1. What legal system does Kazakhstan belong to?

2. In what countries judicial precedents are the main legal sources?

3. Does written constitution (fundamental law) play the essential role among the law sources in the Roman-German legal system?

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