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Пример выполнения задания. Imagine that you are showing your photo album to your friend

Вариант задания

Task 3

Imagine that you are showing your photo album to your friend. Choose one photo to present to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 2 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.

In your talk remember to speak about:

· when you took the photo

· what/who is in the photo

· what is happening

· why you took the photo

· why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”.

Примерный вариант ответа учащегося (скрипт) на максимальный балл (7 баллов)

I’ve chosen photo number 2.

· (You know, I’m fond of photography.) I’ve got lots of amazing photos and I’d like to show you this one.

· Actually, the photo was taken at the summer camp last year. (I had a lot of fun there during my summer holidays.)

· The picture shows one of the most interesting holiday activities. It’s cooking over an open fire. (The weather is fine and it’s possible to cook in the open air .) In the foreground, you can see two kettles of tea and a pot of soup over the fire. In the middle, you can see two camp members, Marina and Vlad, standing by the fire. In the background, some other teenagers are collecting wood for the fire.

· Marina and Vlad are keeping an eye on the meal. At this very moment they are spooning out some soup into the plate in order to taste it. They seem to be extremely concentrated on the process. (I think they feel great responsibility as they are preparing food for the whole camp group.)

· I took this photo because such kind of activity was very exciting for the campers, especially for those who had never gone camping before. That’s why I wanted to capture that moment.

· In fact, I’ve chosen this photo to present to you as I know you’ve never been to the camp. So, I’d like to share this unforgettable experience and to show you a piece of camp life.

· All in all, I hope you’ll like the photo and, perhaps, next time you’ll go to the camp with me.

(20 фраз)

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* Вы можете прослушать вариант аудиозаписи ответа учащегося - Аудио 3


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