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Беседа с членами экзаменационной комиссии

Примерный перечень вопросов:

Will you introduce yourself?

What is your full name? What is your surname?

Do you study full-time or part-time?

What department do you take the post-graduate course at?

Who is your research advisor/scientific supervisor/scientific advisor?

Are you a graduate ofUral Federal University?

What university did you graduate from?

When did you graduate? Have you taken some other courses of studies after that?

Why have you chosen Ural Federal University?

What course(s) did you take? How did you do at university?

What subjects were you particularly good at? What was your major?

What made you chose this subject field?

Why did you choose a career in science?

What field of science are you currently working or studying in?

What degree/ diploma/ certificate did you receive?

Did you receive some practical experience in the area?

What problems were of special interest for you?

Where do you work?

Is your job connected with your scientific interests?

How did it happen that you decided to undertake your scientific research?

What prompted you taking it up? Has it any bearing on your master’s degree studies?

What is the topic of your research? What is its title?

What is the subject of your present study? What do you actually investigate?

What objectives are you planning to attain? Could you state the aims of your research?

What key issues are included in your research?

What results do you expect to obtain? Why is your topic worth researching?

Have you got any idea about the conclusions of your research yet?

Are there any specific difficulties in your study?

What is the most challenging problem for you?

Are these problems purely academic? How are you going to resolve them?

Is your study more of a theoretical or of a practical significance?

Have you got any hypothesis/conception of your own?

Are you familiar with other/alternative approaches to the problems?

Is the theme widely treated in literature?

Are you familiar with international literature on these problems?

Are there any scientists who are considered unquestioned authorities in this field?

Which periodicals cover the problems that you study? Are they easily accessible?

What other sources can you use? Do you use Internet? Is it helpful?

What is your opinion of the electronic means of communication? Do you use them in your research?

When are you planning to submit your thesis?

Are you making a good progress with it? At what stage are you now?

Are you going to arrange for an experiment? What will it consist of?

Is your research work relevant/of real significance today?

What grounds have you got to think so?

What are the innovative aspects in you work?

When do you think the output of your study can be introduced in practice?

In what industry/ area do you expect to realise it? Will it find a wide application?

Have you got any published papers yet? When and where were they published?

Did you contribute to any scientific conferences? Did you make a report?

Do you plan to attend any conferences in the near future?

Is it your first candidate examination?

What other exams have you passed / are you going to take to obtain the Ph.D.degree?

What would you like to do next in your work or studies?

How do you assess the prospects of scientific and technological development inRussia?


Date: 2016-05-15; view: 408; Нарушение авторских прав; Помощь в написании работы --> СЮДА...

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