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Read the following passage about sources of energy. Then complete the table below

Although they are safe to use in the short term, coal, gas and oil present a long term threat to the environment. All three types of fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide in far greater quantities than plants can use. The carbon dioxide then accumulates in the atmosphere and may even increase the earth's 'heat load' and lead to global rises in temperature. Thus, contrary to popular belief the use of coal, gas and oil is not as safe as was originally thought. Furthermore, all three fossil fuels are nonrenewable forms of energy.
Geothermal power is unlikely ever to be an energy source of major importance. It is limited and is exploitable in only a few places.
Hydro-power offers a much more useful source of energy. It is also renewable but its availability is limited. Dams cannot be built in certain areas. In addition, dams may have a damaging effect on a locality, resulting in the loss of farming land and the silting up of rivers. Large dams are also capable of causing changes in the world’s climate.
Wind power is a pollution-free source of renewable energy but it cannot be used in many parts of the world where there is insufficient wind. It is also impossible to use wind power efficiently at present.
Wave power is non-polluting and does not add to the earth's heat but it is ineffective where the sea is usually calm. It is also ineffective where the sea is usually calm. Wave power, however, is non-polluting and does not add to the earth’s heat load.
Solar power is renewable, it does not cause pollution and it does not add to the earth's heat load. Unfortunately, solar power is not distributed equally, and in northern latitudes it is difficult to collect and store. Solar power also requires expensive equipment.
Finally, nuclear power provides a very efficient and renewable power source. However, not only is there a great danger of leaks or accidents but there is also the problem of the disposal of radioactive waste.

  R Pol HL C E S Pr L
Fossil fuels 1 2   ___ ___   ___ ___
Geothermal power ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  
Hydro-power   ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  
Wind power     ___ ___   ___ ___  
Wave power ___     ___ ___ ___    
Solar power         ___ ___ ___  
Nuclear power ___ ___ ___ ___     ___ ___

R = Renewable
Pol = Polluting
HL = Add to earth’s heat load
C = Cheap
E = Efficient
S = Safe
Pr = Practicable
L = Limited to certain areas


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