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Amusement Parks and Attractions

1. It is reasonable to say that almost everyone has visited an attraction of some form during his or her life, because an attraction can be a national park, circus, theme park, or even a shopping mall. The types and varieties of attractions and amuse­ment parks seem endless. Their common tie is the word attraction. In many cases, attractions are the reason people travel.

2. Theme parks, world fairs, museums, zoos, state and regional fairs, parks and beaches are only a few of the different types of attractions found around the world. Attractions come in many shapes, sizes, and ownership.

3. Amusement parks are centers of entertainment offering rides, shows, food, candy, and arcades. Amusement parks date to the eighteenth century's traditional carousel. Amusement parks spread rapidly throughout North America. By posi­tioning themselves at the end of streetcar lines, these parks were accessible to all city dwellers. But as the automobile became popular, streetcars were closed down, and the amusement park business fell on difficult times.

4. The amusement park industry revived when the amusement parks themselves became mobile. These travelling attrac­tions, usually known as carnivals, now spend the majority of their time in mid-to small-sized communities.

5. Carnivals are travelling amusement park, able to pack up and move from community to community within a matter of days and provide vari­ous forms of rides, games, and refreshments. Many carni­vals are set up in conjunction with a larger event in the community and are used as a further drawing card for non-residents to visit. Unlike amusement parks, which feature something new every year, carnivals ap­pear to have the same rides and games year after year.

6. Similar to the carnival, the circus travels from city to city or town to town, providing a unique form of entertainment for the area. Acrobats, lion tamers, and dogs that jump through flaming hoops delight everyone. In the past, when the circus came to town, the entire regional population set its duties aside for the day and made a special trip to town to see it. Circuses are magic for all ages and will continue to exist as long as the magic continues.

7. The theme park concept is most widely attributed to Walt Disney. Theme parks are family entertainment centers oriented to a particular subject or histori­cal area. They combine the continuity of costuming and architecture with enter­tainment and merchandise to create a fantasy-provoking atmosphere. Theme parks trace their roots to the amusement park business. With the opening of Disneyland in California in 1955, Walt Disney transformed the amusement park idea from a run-down hangout of teenagers to a wholesome family entertainment center with a full day's worth of thrills and fantasy.

8. Shopping. Shopping as an attraction? Why not? With the building of malls, shopping has become regionalized, drawing customers from as far as 300 miles away. Some malls are becoming the sole attraction by provid­ing entertainment and other special events in the mall's corridors and parking lots.

9. A potential trend in shopping malls is the mega mall. Mega malls are very large shopping and entertainment centers with everything from retail and restaurants to indoor theme parks, game rooms, and small theaters for live performances.






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