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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence

1. colour/a/they/bought/new/have/television-set

2. all/liked/the/Italian/1/brown/most/shoes/of

3. chose/blouse/blue/an/she/silky expensive

4. brick/was/house/it/old/an

5. gave/beautiful/few/he/red/her/roses/a

6. jeans/and/man/leather/a/jacket/the/black/wearing/blue/ was

7. a/fair-haired/sister/his/girl/smart/is/young

8. large/eyes/has/Mary/round/got/brown

9. leather/pair/shoes/I/of/new/need/sport/a 10. old/slippers/put/woolen/she/on/her

1 1. bought/a/I/white/lovely/marble/Turkish/chess set 12. for/a (an)/had/brown/beef/we/dinner/enormous/German/ sausage

Put the adjectives in the correct order.

Dear Sir.

I am writing to you because I left a (leather/large/brown) suitcase on the 7.45 train to London yesterday. In the suitcase there is a (plastic/digital/little) alarm clock and a pair of (silk/ black/expensive) pyjamas. There is also a (lovely/satin/long) dress, which is a present for my wife, and a (Chinese/ beautiful/gold) chain which I would hate to lose. Finally, there is a (black/leather/plastic) folder containing confi­dential government papers, so it is very important that my suitcase is found and returned to me as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully, Paul Daniels



after/ before/ when/ as/ while/ as soon as/ since/ till/ until/ then

Study the following examples.

After I got back home I read the letter once again. Christmas will he over before you finish' the decorations.

When I last saw you, you lived in Washington. I saw him as I was getting off the bus. You can't leave while we are still discussing this problem. Buy your tickets as soon as you reach the station.

Have you flown a kite since you were a boy? I'll keep practicing until (till) I'm better than he is. Study the rule and then do the exercise below.

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