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Комунікативна практика. Як і в українській мові, існує декілька стандартних фраз, що кажуть на прощання


Як і в українській мові, існує декілька стандартних фраз, що кажуть на прощання. Коли прощання нетривале, звичайно кажуть:


Bye for now!

See you (later, next week, tomorrow, etc.)!

Have a good weekend.

Bye… (Bye-bye..) (Usually with friends or relatives.)

Майте на увазі, що якщо прощається декілька осіб, слово “goodbye” може використовуватись у множині:

We’ve come to say our goodbyes.

Якщо ви спеціально прийшли, щоб попрощатись (у зв’язку із закінченням навчання, збираючись у довгу подорож та т. ін.), використовуються інші формальні та неформальні фрази:

Thanks for everything!

It’s been really nice knowing you.

I’m really going to miss you.

Як і в Україні, прощаючись, додають добрі побажання, вітання, просять повідомити про те, як дістались до місця призначення:

All the best.

Please give my best regards to Mr. …

Good luck with you…

Take care! (Have a care!)

Don’t forget to give me a call (ring)!

Exercise. Work with your classmate. Say him/her goodbye following the patterns above.

Вправи для самостійної роботи

Exercise 1. Translate the text into Ukrainian (Russian).

Components continue to shrink in size and are becoming faster, cheaper, and more versatile. With their increasing power and versatility, computers simplify day-to-day life. Computers will become more advanced and they will also become easier to use. Improved speech recognition will make the operation of a computer easier. Virtual reality, the technology of interacting with a computer using all of the human senses, will also contribute to better human and computer interfaces. Standards for virtual-reality program languages, called Virtual Reality Modeling language (VRML), currently are being developed for the World Wide Web.

Breakthroughs occurred in the area of quantum computing in the late 1990s. The technology is part of a new type of microelectronics known as spin electronics, or spintronics. Conventional computers contain millions of microscopic switches that perform calculations based on being in one of two states – the “on” and “off,” or 1 and 0, of modern digital technology. The position of these switches is determined by an electric charge.

Spintronics proposes to utilize the spin of an electron as its basic principle, instead of a positive or negative charge. Reducing computer technology to such an exacting level would represent a giant advance with huge potential for greater power and versatility. This and other computer concepts based on subatomic states are collectively referred to as quantum computing.

In the case of tmj-ram, the researchers created microscopic memory cells that use the principles of spin to store and access data as fast as a computer’s microprocessor demands – much faster than conventional memory chips can manipulate information. Because the memory cells are based on the position of the electrons’ spin, rather than on an electric charge that must be constantly refreshed, the cells can retain data even when the computer is shut down. Computers with this type of memory could power up instantly, because the basic data needed to launch the computer’s operating system would not have to be accessed from a hard drive.

Tmj-ram also incorporates a highly important aspect of quantum physics called tunneling, in which current is transmitted through a metal layer and in the process switches the electron spin position. One example is a sandwich of an extremely thin layer of conductive metal –such as gold – and two layers of ferromagnetic film. A current sent through the first layer of film adopts the spin of the electrons there, then passes through the gold to the other layer of film. If the polarization of the electrons in this layer is the same, the current passes through and the switch is “on.” If the spin is different, the switch is “off.” The polarization is easily controlled by passing a current through a tiny wire to the film. The components of a spintronic device would be at least ten times smaller than equivalent devices in current computers, allowing for tinier, more powerful computers in the future.

Exercise 2. Find out in the following text examples of participles of different types (present and past) and explain their usage.

Many hardware systems are reaching natural limitations. RAM chips that can store 128 megabits are currently in use, but the connecting circuitry is so narrow that its width must be measured in atoms. These circuits are susceptible to temperature changes and to stray radiation in the atmosphere, both of which could cause a program to crash (fail) or lose data. Newer microprocessors have so many millions of switches etched into them that the heat they generate has become a serious problem. For these and other reasons, many researchers feel that the future of computer hardware might not be in further miniaturization, but in radical new architectures, or computer designs. Almost all of today's computers process information serially, one element at a time. Massively parallel computers – consisting of hundreds of small, simple, but structurally linked microchips – break tasks into their smallest units and assign each unit to a separate processor. With many processors simultaneously working on a given task, the problem can be solved much more quickly. One design, called the Thinking Machine, uses several thousand inexpensive microprocessors and can outperform many of today's supercomputers.

Lesson 8

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