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Вивчення термінології за темою модуля. Exercise 1. Learn the vocabulary and read the text

Exercise 1. Learn the vocabulary and read the text.

All airplanes have the same basic parts. They are the wing, the fuselage (body), the tail assembly, the landing gear, and the power plant (with the engine or engines). All these parts - except the power plant (the engine) - make up a plane's airframe.

The power plant is a source of power. It provides power and propels the airplane. Thus, we may say, the function of the power plant is to provide power for flight and to propel the airplane. It contains aircraft engines and systems to provide proper engine operation. There are several types of engines: piston, turbo-prop, turbojet and turbofan. Engines are usually placed in pods, or under the wings, or in the rear of the fuselage. The fuel system feeds fuel to the engines. The lubrication system provides lubrication. The cooling system cools the engines. And the fire protection system provides protection against engine fire.

The fuselage is the central body of the airplane. It houses all the passengers, crew, cargo and equipment. The part for the crew is called the cockpit or flight deck. The fuselage supports the tail unit and wings. Its function, therefore, is to house all the passengers, crew, cargo and equipment, and to support the tail unit and wings.

The wings are the aerodynamic surfaces that create lift. They support the airplane in the air. The wings include outboard port and starboard main planes that are attached to the center panel. The wings have movable surfaces that change the wings’ area. They are called ‘flaps’. The ailerons on the wings help to control the attitude of the machine in the flight while turning. The wings usually house the fuel tanks.

The tail unit (also called ‘empennage’ or ‘tail assembly’) includes two horizontal surfaces called the stabilizers and vertical surface called the fin. The elevators are attached to the stabilizers. They control the climb and descend of the airplane. The rudder is attached to the fin and controls the direction of flight in the horizontal plane. The function of the tail unit is to provide stability and control of the airplane.

The landing gear (also called ‘undercarriage’) is a structure that supports the airplane on the ground. Its function is also to reduce shocks during taxiing, take-off and landing. Usually the landing gear consists of several struts equipped with shock absorbers. There are retractable and non-retractable types of landing gear.


power plant tail unit landing gear piston (reciprocating) jet engine fuel tank lubrication cooling cockpit (flight deck) compartment take-off landing strut attitude силова установка хвіст (літака) шасі поршневий реактивний двигун паливний бак змащування охолоджувальний кабіна екіпажу відсік зліт посадка стійка положення lift port and starboard sides rudder flap aileron fin elevator climb descend shock shock absorber retractable taxi plane підйом лівий та правий боки (судна) горизонтальне кермо закрилок елерон кіль кермо висоти підйом зниження поштовх амортизатор що вбирається рулювання площина, літак

Exercise 2. Translate into English. Example: Вузол, що забезпечує потужність для польоту і руху літака. – The unit to provide the power for flight and propel the airplane. Or The unit providing power for flight and propelling the airplane.

1) Пристрій, що контролює напрям руху літака у вертикальній площині.

2) Конструктивний вузол, що вміщує пасажирів, екіпаж, вантаж та обладнання.

3) Конструктивний вузол, що створює підіймальну силу і підтримує літак у повітрі.

4) Конструктивний вузол, що забезпечує керування літаком і стабільність у польоті.

5) Конструктивний вузол, що підтримує літак на землі і зменшує силу удару під час приземлення.

Exercise 3. Use the combination to be referred to as to give definitions to the basic parts of an airplane. Example: The unit supporting (or to support) the airplane on the ground and reducing (or to reduce) shocks of landing is referred to as the landing gear.

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