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Контрольная работа № 4. 1. Last winter i visited exhibition in the Hermitage Museum


1. Last winter i visited exhibition in the Hermitage Museum. There was presented a collection of pictures from Italy. I cannot say that it was breathtaking but quite interesting.

2. I like “The culinary duel”- it is a program about cooking. It’s interesting for me because I like to cook for my husband, to create something new in the kitchen and I can get a new recipe from the participants of this TV-show.

3. The 628-member parliament, termed the Federal Assembly, consists of two chambers, the 450-member State Duma (the lower house) and the 178-member Federation Council (the upper house). All bills (or “draft laws”) must first be considered by the State Duma. If the Federation Council rejects a bill passed by the State Duma, the two chambers may form a conciliation commission to work out a compromise version of the legislation. The State Duma then votes on the compromise bill. If the State Duma objects to the proposals of the upper chamber in the conciliation process, it may vote by a two-thirds majority to send its version to the president for signature.

4. Buyers agree to increase an order if they can get a discount after that or if they have already got it. Also they can increase an order if a seller is responsible for transportation of goods or installation of equipment which was bought and the buyer can economize on it an order something else.


II Translate


1. This exhibition being discussed a lot.

2. The contract will be singed tomorrow.

3. Goods was transported to the firm at the end of last year.

4. The President was chosen by secret vote.


III Ask 3 questions to each sentence.


1. With what feature is the National Gallery famous for?

Is the National Gallery famous for its wonderful paintings by world’s famous artists or its beautiful architecture?

Which museum is famous for its wonderful display of paintings by world’s famous artists?

2. Is the power of the Queen of England limited by the Parliament?

Is the power of the Queen of England limited by the Parliament or by the Court?

By which body is the power of the Queen of England limited with?

3. Who does the executive power belong to?

Is the Government headed by the prime Minister or by the Queen?

Does the executive power belong to the Government which is headed by the Prime Minister?



1. The year 2012 will be the time for the next election in Russia.

2. D. A. Medvedev is not going to take part in it.3. So the result is clear – mr. Putin will be the next President. 4. But what will happen if mr. Medvedev decide to fight for this position? 5. It is not easy to answer because political games will be always unpredictable.


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