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Advising of Inability to Review Amount of Claim


Dear Sirs,

We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of the 8th instant.

Regarding the cost of replacing the damaged parts, which you find to be high, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that we have included in our claim only the cost of material and labour, all other expenses connected with the repair not having been taken into consideration. We really think that the sum indicated in our letter of the 2nd June is quite reasonable, and we request you to pay us the full amount claimed by our Clients.


Yours faithfully,

Jim Brown

Financial Director


(11) Enquiry Letter


Dear Sirs,

We require for the expansion of our plant a Portable Air Compressor, model K.CE-6M, as shown on page 25 of your catalogue and would ask you to send us your quotation. The machine must be delivered complete with all essential fittings and tools together with the manual in English for service and maintenance.

We have already received quotations from three manufacturers who are offering us compressors of a similar design, for delivery in 5 – 6 months. As, however, most of the equipment for our plan was purchased in Russia, we should prefer to obtain this additional machine from your company.

We should be prepared, therefore, to place this order with you if the Compressor could be delivered in January, 2009, at the latest, and if, of course, you could quote us a competitive price.

Your immediate reply would be very much appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

M. Brown

(Purchase Department)

(12) Reply to Request to Reduce Prices


Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter of the 20th June concerning Paraffin Wax.

We are pleased that the quality of the goods meets your requirements, but we are surprised to hear that you consider our prices to be higher than those of our competitors. If you will refer to the last issue of the National Petroleum News, you will find that our prices are not above the quotations for Paraffin Wax of similar quality.

Wishing, however, to establish business relations with your company, we should be prepared to allow you a 5% discount from the prices quoted by us, reducing the price of Grade A to €62 – per long ton c.i.f. London, provided that you ordered at least 75 tons of each Grade. All other terms remain as stated in our letter of the 16th June and in our General Conditions enclosed in it.

This offer is subject to your immediate acceptance.

Yours faithfully,

Vlad Ivanov

Head of Supply Department


(13) Agreement on Price and Delivery Terms



Dear Sirs,

We have pleasure in confirming the telephone conversation of today between your Vice-President Mr.V.Petrov and our Managing Director Mr. C.D.Harris during which it was agreed that the total price of the Turbo-Alternator Set with Feed Heater, Condenser and Spare Parts should be £ (one hundred and twenty pound sterling). It was further agreed that the whole equipment should be delivered in nineteen months from the date of the contract.

We thank you for order which will have our most careful attention and shall be obliged if you will send us your contract as early as possible to enable us to proceed immediately to the execution of the order.

Yours faithfully,



(14) Letters of Complaints and Claims


Dear Sirs,

Equipment under Contract №184/115


We are sorry to have to inform you that in the consignment of equipment we have received against the above Contract there are several broken cases and some machines are damaged.

We are sending you the report signed by our inspectors from which you will see the extent of the damage.

Also, we would like to draw your attention to a fortnight`s delay in shipping the machines. This is an infringement of Clause 4 of the Contract which, you may well see, also stipulates payment by the Supplier of damages in case of delay in delivery.

So we ask you to transfer to our account the sum of the penalty and to strictly observe the terms of the Contract in future.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

V/O Techmachimport


Unit 7

Text A

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