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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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In comparison with twice as much a lot different

Similar by far considerably more

Roughly the same a little different




Sales $ mil.






Profit $ mil.






Exxon Mobil







“If we look at the figures for the oil sector last year, you can see that

the three largest US companies all did very well (1) in comparison with

the previous year.

Let’s start by comparing Chevron and Texaco. Their sales were (2)

………., although Chevron made (3) ………. profit. Looking at the year-

on-year trend you can see that the percentage change in sales was very

(4) ………. between the two companies, whereas the change in profits was

quite (5) ………. In fact, Chevron’s profits grew (6) ……… faster – 150%

compared to 116%.

Now let’s look at Exxon Mobil, the market leader. The table shows

that Exxon is (7) ……… the largest company, with more than (8) ………

sales as Chevron and Texaco combined, and (9).……… profit. In terms

of percentage growth, Exxon’s figures were (10) ……….

16. Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the form of ei-

ther Participle I or Participle II; translate the sentences into Russian with

the focus on Participles.

1. A company’s managers, investors, and creditors use information

… in its income statement and balance sheet to measure financial suc-

cess. (represent) 2. The cash receipts and payments for operating ac-

tivities, such as products … or services …, are summarized in the cash

flows from operating activities section of the statement. (sell, perform)

3. Accounting is considered to be less … worldwide than in the United

States. (standardize) 4. Individuals … and … a business by themselves

do not have to worry about control, because the individual is both the

owner and only employee. (own, operate) 5. This exhibit shows how to

calculate a company’s cash … from customers. (collect) 6. Depreciation

is the part of the cost of a physical asset … as an expense to each time

period in which the asset is used. (allocate) 7. Multinational companies

must comply with different sets of regulations … on where the factories

and offices are located. (depend) 8. Today virtually all businesses have

… accounting systems. (computerize) 9. The people … the real decisions

are all at Head Office (make). 10. The stock market crash of 1929 … by

the Depression of the 1930s, led to federal regulation of the securities

market. (follow) 11. A code of professional conduct … by the members

of AICPA guides them in their professional work. (adopt) 12. The ab-

breviation GAAP stands for ‘generally … accounting principles’ that all

US accountants have to follow in measuring, recording, and reporting

transactions. (accept)



17.* Rewrite the sentences using appropriate participial clauses; the

number of required transformations is given in brackets.

1. When you compare one company’s return on total assets with that

of another company, you should consider the age of the assets of each

company (1). 2. After the team coordinators determined the goals, they

supplied the upper-level managers with the information about the re-

sources that were required to meet these goals (2). 3. As he had a good

working knowledge of accountancy, he could hope to pass his CPA exam

in the nearest future (1). 4. I went over to him as I thought he was the

manager, but he said he was a sales assistant. 5. The woman who is talk-

ing to Robert Wilkinson is the Chief Finance Officer at Accor (1). 6. We

invested 5,000 in a China fund because we hoped that the market would

go up (1). 7. I resigned the next week and didn’t regret my actions any

moment (1). 8. When the management accountant is faced with an ethi-

cal dilemma, s/he should determine how stakeholders are affected (1).

9. As it was explained in Chapter 5, although a business makes no cash

payment when it records depreciation, this expense still reduces taxable

income (2). 10. When companies expand their operations they frequent-

ly become involved in transactions with customers and suppliers in other

countries (1). 11. As he is a Chartered Accountant and has 5 years post

qualification experience he obviously has a very good chance of obtain-

ing this position (2). 12. If Mr. Brown is found guilty of accounting fraud

and misleading the public, he will be barred from ever serving as chief

accounting officer for a publicly held company (1).


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