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Junk mail, TV, newspapers, billboards, spam. Media type Advantages Disadvantages

Media type Advantages Disadvantages

1. ____________ very good for short sharp can be affected by

messages the weather


8. A hoarding is site for poster ad- vertising which some firms use to h) remind the public of the name of the product.
9. The Trade Description Acts were passed to i) protect themselves against their own too-optimistic forecasts.
10. The purpose of much adver- tising expenditure on established brands j) advertise throughout the world with a single commercial.
11. The target audience is the sec- tion of the population to k) flatter the target audience by pandering to their self image and making them more respective to the advertising message.
12. Ego bait is intended to l) attract the attention of people such as pedestrians and motorists.




2. ____________



can be targeted



may be totally ig-

nored by the reci-


3. ____________ can provide a lot of details a company’s

or information

advertisement may

be “lost” amongst

many others, pos-

sibly those of its


4. ____________ can demonstrate consumers may

the product in use not pay attention

5. ____________ can reach a lot can be deleted

of people very quickly before it reaches


8. Read the following advertisements and say which advertisement the

following statements refer to.

A. This dynamic and pioneering company, a member of a well-es-

tablished group, continues to expand significantly its market share, both

through emphasis on technical excellence and a professional business

approach. This new appointment is the corner-stone in the company’s

future diversification program.

B. If you’ve got an eye for detail, coupled with secretarial skills, then

Bejam the freezer people have just the job for you at their busy, lively

offices in Stanmore. You’ll be responsible for checking that the prices

and spelling are correct on our display material, liaising with the display

company and store managers. This involves a lot of telephone work and

keeping to deadlines, so you must be capable of working efficiently un-

der pressure.

C. The company is a successful independent operator. It provides a

range of services from a number of locations in the UK and on the Con-

tinent. Reporting to the General Manager, responsibility is to manage

the finance and accounting functions. Developing controls and advising

on financial policy and planning will be major tasks. Success in the role

should lead to a Board appointment.

D. May-fair based public company is looking for the best sales people

in Britain. You must be money motivated, aggressive, hardworking and

above all, a good sales person. We sell ad space. If you can as well, you

can move to any of our offices, all expenses are paid.

1. This advertisement emphasizes the importance of the position in

the company’s planned development.





2. This advertisement seems to issue a challenge.


3. This advertisement mentions the possibility of promotion.


4. This advertisement promises a special benefit to the successful ap-



5. This advertisement adopts an informal, almost chatty style.


9. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

Advertisers believe the consumers will look … and remember mes-

sages conveyed … unexpected ways. They are using traditional media

… new ways. Some billboards now sport elaborate lights and music.

One … a Southern California hospital featured a huge, inflatable heart

… fans inside simulating beating motions. … TV, both General Electric

and Shearson Lehman Hutton have experimented … different sounds –

buzzes, hums, and weird music – to catch the public’s ear. Magazines

feature gatefolds (foldout ads attached … front or back covers), pop-ups,

and even computer chips that play Christmas carols. Newspapers offer

ads … red ink … a strawberry scent; other scents, such as coffee, are be-

ing developed.

Then there are alternative media, everything … matchbook covers …

blimps. Use … nontraditional media represents a tiny share … the ad-

vertising dollar but is growing fast. Human billboards – people wearing

huge popcorn bags – hand out samples … Smartfood cheese popcorn …


… supermarkets and drugstores, shoppers are bombarded … electric

signs, closed-circuit radios playing commercials … aisles, and video re-

corders showing how to use products. Video screens mounted … shop-

ping carts play ads as customers may their way through stores. “Every-

where there’s space, they’re slapping something on it”.

10.* Read the passage carefully. Some of the lines are correct and some

have a word which should not be there. Find these words and cross them out.

Trade shows and exhibits provide for excellent opportunities for a

marketer to promote his products or services through the display and

demonstration. Customers are be able to examine the product in its natu-

ral setting and make comparison with to competing products. Exhibitors

can to enlarge their dealer contacts and distribute literature and samples.

Trade shows are very particularly useful in promoting new products or an

innovations or services. At a recent convention of the National Associa-

tion of Broadcasters in Chicago more than of 400 exhibitors crowded

four large the hotel exhibition halls for the purpose of exhibiting and



demonstrating the many of new developments in broadcasting. Radio

and TV executives from the all over the United States come to this every

annual convention.

11.* Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. The primary benefit of posters is that they stay in one location for

only 30 days. 2. Radio audience is an impressive one and radio indispu-

tably provides the advertisers with the opportunity to appeal to very nar-

row audience. 3. Advertisers are constantly searching for ways to hold

down costs, and today virtually all network prime-time commercials are

30 seconds long. 4. An advertiser can use any of several types of advertis-

ing, depending on its promotional objectives. 5. Agencies are normally

compensated in three ways – commissions, percentage charged on ma-

terials and services purchased for clients, and fees. 6. In Western indus-

trial nations the most pervasive media are TV and radio. 7. For an adver-

tisement to be effective its production and placement must be based on

knowledge of the public and a skilled use of media. 8. The phenomenal

growth of advertising during the 19th century and a half is irrefutable.

9. Companies are increasing their expenditures for consumer promo-

tion, which now accounts for more than a forth of promotional budgets.

10. An effective way to encourage consumers to get familiar with a prod-

uct is to provide them with a free sample of the merchandise. 11. Adver-

tising helps open new territories, tapping potential markets. 12. Firms

go to considerable efforts and expense to design, create, and evaluate

advertisements that will accomplish their promotional goals.

12. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

Guinness drinkers may believe that good thing come to those who (to

wait), but it (to seem) the behind the world’s best-loved beer less (to be

convinced). After a four-year campaign trying to persuade publicans and

drinkers alike that Guinness (to be) a superior drink and should not be

poured like a common lager or ale, the company (to decide) to change

tack again. Owner Guinness UDV (to ditch) the long-running advertis-

ing campaign that (to seek) to persuade drinkers their pint (to be worth)

the wait as it (to face up) to an increasingly crowded drinks market. The

company (to brief) its two advertising agencies to co up with a new ad for

the brand that (to be shown) across the world. AMV is the agency behind

the current campaign which (to include) the highly acclaimed Guinness

“Surfer” film (to vote) best ad of all time by Channel 4 viewers. It (to be)

the first time Guinness, which (to spend) more than 200 million pounds

on advertising (to run) a global advertising campaign – the company (to

use) traditionally different agencies around the world to create country-

specific campaigns. But last year Guinness (to cut) its roster of interna-




tional advertising agencies down to just two and the planned campaign

(to be) a further signal that Guinness UDV (to try) to develop a more

consistent global image for the brand. Although the brand (to continue)

to enjoy healthy sales across the world, its growth in Europe (to stall) as

bar-goers (to eschew) beer in favour of wines and pre-mixed drinks.

13. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

1. Cooperative advertising occurs when producers and retailers share

the expense of advertising. 2. Advertising directed at business buyers they

classify as trade, industrial, farm, or professional advertising. 3. Broad-

cast, print, direct mail, and outdoor advertising are the major media

advertisers use. 4. Typical advertising timing schemes include steady,

seasonal, periodic, start-up, and promotional patterns. 5. Many compa-

nies that use the services of agencies, however, also maintain their own

advertising departments. 6. Reviewing the benefits of advertising shows

that it reduces distribution costs, contributes to economies of scale by

creating mass markets and provides product information. 7. Advertising

also reduces the cost of newspapers and magazines and pays for much

of our television and radio entertainment. 8. Firms also rely on promo-

tional activities to reduce or eliminate substantial variations in demand

throughout the year. 9. Often a firm uses promotion to position a prod-

uct as different or superior to competing products. 10. Publicity and, to a

lesser extent, advertising provide effective vehicles for image building.

14. Fill in the gaps with the correct modal verb.

1. It is quite possible that one person … hold remarkably different

views about advertising at the same time; for instance, one individual

… simultaneously hold different beliefs. 2. Advertising … be more strin-

gently regulated by the government. 3. Commercial advertising … be di-

rected at ultimate consumers or business buyers. 4. Advertising is many

things and it … have a variety of meanings to the same person at a given

point of time. 5. Intuitively, we … suspect that advertising is most likely

to exist and prosper in those societies that have moved beyond a sub-

sistence existence. 6. In addition we … suspect that advertising would

be more important as specialization develops in manufacturing and as

manufacturers become more remote from the consumer. 7. The larger

the manufacturer, the less likely is he to be in regular contact with his

potential customers and the more he … depend on advertising. 8. Adver-

tising developed in importance as manufacturers began to make more

than … be consumed in their immediate neighborhood. 9. Promotional

messages … inform consumers about organizations and products and

influence them to make a purchase or adopt a special cause or belief.

10. Promotional programs … be built around a single objective or mul-

tiple objectives. 11. A promotional mix … contain any of all of the four




elements, depending on the firm’s objectives. 12. It is important to keep

in mind that the elements in the promotion mix … be coordinated and

linked together. 13. When consumers enter into a service transaction,

they …, as a general rule, interact with service firm employees. 14. The

role of an advertising agency … vary from a simple supplier to a genuine

business partner.

15. Fill in the gaps with the correct article if necessary.

Gillette Company believes that people are similar … world over. Back-

ing up its conviction, … firm more than once has used … single cam-

paign to advertise … shaving product worldwide. For example, to launch

… twin-bladed Sensor razor in 1990, … company spent $110 million on

television and print advertising in … North America and … Europe. Gil-

lette introduced … Sensor product to … US men with sporty commer-

cials during … Super Bowl. … next month, … company started running

nearly identical commercials in 18 countries. All … commercials used

diagrams of … Sensor blades efficiently cutting whiskers and featured

manly, if not macho, spokesmen. … only elements of … campaign that

changed from … country to … country were language and specific sports

images. Gillette translated … commercial into 26 languages. … French

theme line, for example, became “La perfection au masculin”, or “Per-

fection, male style”. That translation overcame … problem of “Perfec-

tion” as … feminine noun in French. As for sports imagery, … European

commercials replaced … US football scenes with shots of soccer action.

16. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or -ing form.

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