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Essential vocabulary. To come out of something

1. emerge verb

To come out of something.

The doors opened and people began to emerge into the street.

To stop being involved in a difficult situation. The country is slowly emerging from a recession. To become known. Some worrying rumors were beginning to emerge.

2. emergency noun

an unexpected situation involving danger in which immediate action is necessary.

Use the fire alarm in case of emergency.

emergency services

The organizations that deal with fire, crime, accidents, and injuries.

The retail market-place for books has changed dramatically in recent years, with the emergency of large chains of specialist booksellers.

3. merchandise noun

Goods that people buy and sell.

merchandise verb

To try to make people want to buy something by using methods such as designing interesting covers or containers, arranging products in a particular way in shops etc.

If your store is well merchandised, your pleased customers will buy more merchandise from you than they did before.

merchandising noun

The business of arranging and showing products in shops in a way that makes people want to by them.

Learn how to develop the right merchandising, pricing, and service strategies for your store.

4. margin noun

The difference between how much money you get when you sell something and how much it costs you to buy or make it.

Some bookshops sell items which offer higher profit margins.

The space at the left or right side of a page where words are not usually printed or written.

Someone's made notes in the margin.

The edge of a place or thing.

The Andes run along the western margins of South America. (Australian) an extra amount of money paid to a worker who has a special skill or accepts additional responsibility.

We usually give taxi drivers 10 or 15 per cent margin.

5. target noun

Something that you try to achieve. They are setting a target of 2000 new editions target date

the date that you are hoping something will be done. We are setting June as a target date for completion. Someone that you are trying to get as a customer or audience. Who is this paper's target reader ship? prime target perfect target

We think teenagers are a prime target for the anti-smoking campaign.

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