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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Essential vocabulary. 1. Worried because you think something bad might happen: his silence made me anxious

1. anxious adj

1. worried because you think something bad might happen: His silence made me anxious.

an anxious glance

anxious about:

People are naturally anxious about these tests.

2. wanting something very much, especially when this makes you nervous, excited, or impatient:

anxious to know something:

Were anxious to hear from anyone who can help.

anxious (that):

They are anxious that the food should be of the best quality.

anxious for: We were all anxious for peace.

3. an anxious time or situation is one in which you worry about something:

We had a few anxious moments while the results were coming through.

anxiously adverb

The children were anxiously looking at the old house.

2. Claim noun

1. a statement that something is true that you have no definite proof of:

The victim's claims were ignored by the police.

claim that:

/ don't believe his claim that he fought in Vietnam.

2. an official request for money that you believe you have a right to:

Your claim should reach us no later than 31 January.

3. a statement that you have the legal right to something:

claim to:

Britain's claim to the territories was found to be unlawful.

Claim verb

1. to say that something is yours, especially as a right: Henry VII claimed the English throne after defeating Richard HI.

Has anyone claimed the wallet I handed in yesterday?

2. to officially ask for money that you believe you have a

3. right to:

Are you claiming unemployment benefit?

4. MAINLY JOURNALISM if war, disease, or an accident claims someone's life, they die as a result of it:

The severe flooding has claimed over 500 lives.

3. consider verb

1. to think about something carefully before making a decision or developing an opinion:

She paused and considered for a moment.

consider whether:

He is considering whether to accept another job offer.

2. to formally discuss something before making a decision about it: The jury went out to consider its verdict.

3. consider someone/something for something: Her manuscript is being considered for publication. consider that:

He did not even consider that she might have a different idea.

considerable adj. large in size, amount, or degree:

a considerable amount of money

considerably adv. considerably advanced in years

consideration noun [uncount]

careful thought before making a decision or judgment about something:

give consideration to something:

We have given careful consideration to your claim for compensation.

With due consideration:

With due consideration, the school decided to expel the three students.

for someone's consideration: Here are a few questions for your consideration.

To take something into consideration to think about a particular fact or detail and allow it to have some influence when you are making a decision:

The candidates experience must be taken into consideration.

4. print verb

1 to produce words, numbers, pictures etc on paper, using a printer or PRINTING PRESS:

I had already printed twenty pages when I noticed the page numbers were all wrong.

We plan to print 50,000 copies in the initial run.

print on: You can print on both sides of the paper.

print something on something: The book is beautifully printed on quality paper.

print in colour/black and white/bold type etc:

The advanced technology will enable the newspaper to print in colour.

1. to publish something in a newspaper or magazine: They refused to print my letter as it was too critical.

2. to write by hand using individual letters that are not joined together:

Please be sure to print your name next to your signature.

3. to create a mark on a surface by pressing something into it: You can see someone's initials printed in the sand there.

4. to produce a photograph on paper the printed word

anything that you read in a book, magazine, newspaper etc: The printed word has faced growing competition from new technology.

,print noun

1. mark made by pressing

2. letters made by pressing

3. image made by pressing

4. photograph

5. cloth with pattern

6. copy of film PHRASES

1. [count] a mark made by pressing something onto a surface: There were huge paw prints right outside our tent.

See that hand print in the mud?

la. [count usually plural] a fingerprint

We found no prints on either the glass or the telephone.

2. [unc.J letters or other symbols made by pressing ink, paint etc on paper or a similar surface:

The print is too small to read.

Many of her novels are available in large print.

bold print (=thick, dark print):

All the figures that have changed are shown in bold print.

3. [count] an image created by pressing a special piece of wood, metal etc with a raised design on it onto paper or another surface:

There were only a few prints of this made by the artist.

a picture that is a copy of a painting:

a collection of Rembrandt prints

printmaking noun

the art or process of making prints by pressing paper against a surface that has a raised design covered with ink.

Rembrandt, one of the greatest artist of all time was also a printmaker and once celebrating his birthday he arranged a spectacular exhibition of his prints.

5. suggest verb

to offer an idea or a plan for someone to consider: The report suggested various ways in which the service could be improved.

suggest (that):

I suggest (that) we have dinner first, and then watch the film.

I'm not suggesting (that) giving up smoking will be easy.

suggestion noun

1. [count] an idea or plan that you offer for someone to consider:

If you're looking for last-minute Christmas presents, here are some suggestions.

suggestion that:

The committee rejected a suggestion that share options should be offered to junior employees.

open to suggestions (=willing to consider suggestions):

We have a few ideas for the show, but we're open to suggestions.

2. that something may be true a small sign of something:

suggestion of: There was a suggestion of rain in the air.

3. [uncount] the action of influencing someone to make a mental connection between one thing and another:

The success of advertising depends on the power of suggestion.

suggestive adj.

making you think of or remember a particular thing: In the middle of the picture is a shape suggestive of a woman's body.

4. [count] a photograph developed from a NEGATIVE:

Those old black and white prints are much more sensitive to light.

5. [count or uncount] a piece of clothing or cloth with a pattern printed on it:

She was wearing a bold flowered print.

6. [count] one of several copies of a film, for use in cinemas in print

7. printed in a book, magazine or newspaper:

How does it feel to finally see one of your articles in print?

8. a book, magazine etc that is in print is still available to buy from its publisher:

Is that old grammar book still in print?

out of print

a book, magazine etc that is out of print is no longer being published

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