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Digital Bespoke

The digital revolution will create an entirely new concept of self

service and an unprecedented degree of customer control. Do you

want to buy a product, or rent it and receive automatic updates? Do

you want the bits now, at a premium, or streamed to your pc overnight,

at a discount? The variations are endless, as are the opportunities.

These advances will be equally welcome to both large and small

businesses alike. The Internet has already greatly enhanced the ability

of small businesses to sell their products globally. The next wave of

the digital revolution, powered by technologies such as XML

(eXtensible Markup Language), will enable those small firms to tap

resources from around the world, combining their expertise with

those of others to customise their products and services for customers.

In a digital world, product or service development increasingly

becomes collaborative. And the factors of production themselves

become fluid, because it is the processing technology, rather than

the goods themselves, that is being reproduced.

There are some potential pitfalls as the digital revolution

advances. As it becomes easier to make perfect counterfeit copies of




an increasing number of products, the issue of how intellectual

property rights are protected will be of growing concern—especially

in those countries where enforcement remains inadequate. Clearly,

some industries have struggled to make the jump to a digital world,

but far more are reaping the benefits of this transition. Investing in

tomorrow’s technology today is more critical than ever to future



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Shaping the Internet Age

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