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Review of the unit


A round-table talk.


“Giftedness is not something you do. Giftedness something

you are.” (Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of being a gifted child.)


Grammar revision


Ex. 1

Translate the sentences with Modal Verbs. Underline the modal verbs and explain their meanings.


1. You needn’t have taken a bus. You could go on foot. 2. Everyone should help the parents when they become old. 3. The child must stay in bed if he is running a temperature. 4. Mike must be pleased that he has passed his exam. 5. You shouldn’t have told anyone about my problems. 6. She can’t enter the house as she must have lost the key. 7. You ought to learn the words better not to make spelling mistakes. 8. How dare you come without flowers! 9. George couldn’t have seen me. I wasn’t there. 10. Perhaps I should do the explaining.


Ex. 2

Put the verbs in brackets in the proper tenses paying attention to the Sequence of Tenses.


One day a poor woodman (cut) a big piece of wood near the river. Suddenly his old axe (slip) from his hand and (fall) into the deep water. He (sit) on the bank and (feel) a very sad man because he (lose) his only axe, when all at once a lovely, bright fairy (appear) and (ask) the woodman what (be) the matter. The poor man (say) he (lose) his axe as it (fall) into the water. The fairy (show) him a gold axe and (ask) if it (be) his one. The woodcutter shake his head. Then fairy (show) him a silver axe and (ask) him again if it (be) that very axe. And the answer (be) again negative. At last the fairy (show) him a common iron axe with an old wooden handle. The happy woodman (confirm) that it (be) his own axe. Then the fairy (admit) that she (want) (see) if he (tell) her the truth. And she (give) him both the gold and the silver axes because he (be) an honest man.


10.12 Use the texts from the Reader. Tell if you’ve ever met an Indigo Child.



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