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Review of the unit. Agree or disagree with the statement: there must be clear evidence of significant problems in social school or work functioning

A round-table talk.


Agree or disagree with the statement: There must be clear evidence of significant problems in social school or work functioning. Give your reasons using the active vocabulary.




Ex. 1

Fill in particle “to” where necessary:

1. There is nothing we can do but … go. 2. He is unable … live in a normal world. 3. I made him … handle his autistic brother. 4. Charley ought … have done it on time. 5. She’d rather not … tell the truth. 6. Charley had … learn … deal with his brother. 7. Do they need … get the money? 8. He’d better … stay with his parents. 9. Let’s … go. 10. It was time … start a new life. 11. These students have repeatedly failed … be successful in school situation.


Ex. 2

Use Participle I or II.

1. (To motivate) by his best intentions, Charley wants his brother to become (to adapt) to his environment. 2. Many children (to face) such problems become (to frustrate) and (to frighten). 3. He has a (to determine) character. 4. The analysis shows that it is a cultural product (to arise) in school situations. 5. He is also unable to show social clues, such as (to give) a smile. 6. An “educators definition” is (to intend) to help teachers identify such children. 7. (To identify) such children is a task (to require) much knowledge. 8. Emotionally (to disturb) children are usually underachievers. 9. When (to consider) the characteristics of children who are (to disturb), we might apply criteria (to develop) by Bower.


Ex. 3

Use the correct form of the Gerund and translate the

sentences into Russian:


1. I am ashamed of not (to cope) with such an easy test. 2. He stopped (to smoke). 3. Special psychologists and teachers have succeeded in (to help) children with disturbance. 4. Jack’s mother was surprised at his (to accuse) of bad conduct. 5. He is proud of (to bring) his brother back to Walbrook. 6. They insisted on (to interfere) into their plans.


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