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The economy


- What was the economical position of Russia in the former USSR?

- Russia was the most populous state of the former USSR and also the wealthiest one. It produced 78 per cent of all its natural gas, 60 per cent of steel, 80 per cent of timber and 91 per cent of oil. It also has one of the world’s largest fishing industries.

- What industries and crafts were encouraged in Russia under Peter the Great and Catherine the Great?

- The history of Russian Industry goes back to the middle of the seventeenth century. The development of new industries and crafts – metal working textiles, brick making and china manufacture – was encouraged under Peter the Great. During the reign of Catherine the Great, the Urals became the focus for iron industry, and Russia became the world’s largest iron producer.

- What do you know about Russian economy in the second part of the 19th century?

- After 1870 the fast railway engineering in Russia was stimulated by industrial boom. Some deals were made with western companies to develop Russia’s immense oil resources. By 1903 Russia had been the world’s largest oil producer.

- When was Russia one of the biggest grain producer and exporters?

- Before the Revolution Russia was one of the world’s largest grain producers and exporters.

- Was the quality gap between home and western products an important factor for economical reforms in Russia?

- Yes, it was. By 1980s the quality gap between home and western products could no longer be ignored and called for reforms.

- What was planned to do in the energy sector before the Chernobyl disaster?

- Before the Chernobyl disaster it was planned that an expanded nuclear programme could help the conservation of other energy resources.





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