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Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian





Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.


1. In the seventh century B.C. the Greeks began to put their laws into writing.

2. The laws of many European countries were developing on the basis of Roman law.

3. The Napoleon Code has influenced the laws of many countries in America.

4. In the first year you will study Roman law as it is the basis on the laws of most European countries.

5. The institute of jury still exists in many countries. By the eleventh century many European countries had begun to use Roman law in their courts.

6. The law on partnership was codified by the Parliament in 1972.

7. Statutes are made by the Government; customs are created by the people. Customs are not created by societies consciously.

8. Many general customs have been adopted by the courts and have become laws.

9. Customs are sometimes still recognized by the courts.

10. Roman law was used in the courts by many European countries.

11. Many English laws derive from judicial precedents.

12. In modern times most rules of law have reflected general custom.

13. Continental or Roman law has developed in most of Continental Europe, Latin America and many countries in Asia and Africa.

14. Common law was developing gradually throughout the history. Continental systems of law have resulted from the attempts of governments to produce a set of codes.

15. The lawmakers wanted to show that legal rules of their citizens originated in the state, not in local customs.

16. The laws are interpreted by the courts.

17. The lawmakers were influenced by the model of the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church.

18. Laws had been put into writing by Greeks by the 16th century B.C.

19. In a civil case a verdict was given by a jury.

20. Don’t worry. Speeches are being prepared by professional speech-writers.

21. The law of the world has been influenced by Roman law.

22. Many of the early rules of the common law were general customs.

23. One of the largest systems of law of which we have knowledge is the Code of Hammurabi.

24. The largest number of the jury was in Greece.

25. Roman law is one of the greatest systems which has ever existed.


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