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Requirements for the implementation of the independent work of student

Independent work of student is the work on sections of the course and consists of three parts:

1. Theoretical questions.

2. Theoretical exercises.

3. Examples and problems.

Theoretical questions and theoretical exercises are common to all students, examples and tasks for each individual student, and the student run the embodiment, the number of which indicates the teacher, conducting practical lessons in the group.

Theoretical exercises and examples of tasks executed in writing.

Monitoring the implementation of the independent work of student carried out in two stages:

1. Pre-validation of the written decision of theoretical exercises, problems and examples.

2. Defense of the independent work of student.

When performing, the design of the independent work of student should observe the following rules:

1. Independent work of student is performed in a notebook. On the front side is attached title sheet.

2. Decisions of the theoretical exercises, problems and examples are arranged in the order numbers listed in the independent work, before the decision to be recorded condition.
3. Solutions and examples should be presented in detail, accurately, it is recommended to justify each step of the solution, based on the theoretical assumptions of the course.
4. The solution of each problem should be brought to answer the required conditions.
5. Independent work of student should be carried out in the course of the study the relevant section of the course. At the end of the study section, the Independent work of student made by the

deadline to pass the teacher to the final verification.

6. Independent work of student to be performed independently.

7. During defense of independent work student should be able to correctly answer theoretical questions, explain the decision of theoretical exercises and problems, to solve the problems of a similar type.

8. A student who does not defend the independent work of the deadline, the final control for the discipline is not allowed.


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