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Before reading about traditional company organization check your understanding of some basic terms by matching up the following words and definitions

Учебно-методическое пособие к дисциплине

«Профессионально – ориентированный иностранный язык»

Для экономических специальностей


Составители: Ким И.А.

Кантаева Г.Г.

Рахимова Ю.С.


Тараз 2015

Unit I Company structure


• Which department - production, finance, accounting, marketing, sales, human resources, etc. - of an organization do you think is the most interesting to work in?

• Is it better to have one immediate boss or to work for more than one manager?

• Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?

• Is it more motivating to be responsible to someone for your work, or responsible for people who report to you?


Match the departments with their responsibilities

a - Human Resources

b - Marketing

c - Research and Development

d - I.T. (Information Technology)

e - Maintenance

f - Sales

g - Customer Service

h - Finance

i - Dispatch Department

j - Production Department


Responsible for taking care of customer needs

Responsible for selling the product/service

Responsible for making the product

Responsible for how a product/service is advertised and promoted

Responsible for hiring new staff

Responsible for the company's computers and network

Responsible for the office/building

Responsible for discovering new knowledge about the product, improving it and creating new products

Responsible for payments, bills and expenses

Responsible for the delivery of orders


Before reading about traditional company organization check your understanding of some basic terms by matching up the following words and definitions.


to delegate to report to autonomous line authority function hierarchy or chain of command


1 ___________ a system of authority with different levels, one above the other, e.g. a series of management positions, whose holders can make decisions, or give orders and instructions.

2 ____________ a specific activity in a company, e.g. production, marketing, finance.

3 ___________ independent, able to take decisions without consulting someone at the same level or higher in the chain of command.

4 _______________ the power to give instructions to people at the level below in the chain of command

5 _______________ to be responsible to someone and to take instructions from them

6 _______________ to give someone else responsibility for doing something instead of you


Reading1:Company structure

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