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How to Find a Job

How to find a job, including where to find job listings, networking, using a headhunter, and more advice on where and how to find a job.

Step-by-step guide on finding jobs, including how to get started, where to find jobs, and how to apply.

· Fast Track Your Job Search

What can you do when you have to find a job fast? It's not easy, but there are steps you can take to expedite your job search. Spending some time to get your job search in order, keeping it organized, focused, and on the fast track will help you find a job faster than if you don't have a plan in place.

· Online Job Search

Online job search resources, including job search sites, job search engines, networking sites, resume posting, and ways to make sure you are using all the online job search resources available.

· Job Listings

Job listings, job banks, job sites, employment opportunities listed by location and career field, and other resources to help find a job.

· Job Search Help

Want to find a job, but don't know where to start? Confused? Overwhelmed? Too much information? Here are some tips on how to get going.

· Job Search Engines

Use a job search engine to search all the top job sites, company sites, and online newspapers. There are a variety of job search engine sites that will search all the job sites to capture new job postings.

· Help Wanted Ads

Are you using the help wanted classified ads when you look for jobs? If not, you should be. Local and regional employers don't always post on the major jobs sites like Monster. Instead, they will advertise in their local newsletter to avoid being overwhelmed with applicants and, in many cases, because they are not interested in paying relocation costs.

· Job Banks

Search online job banks by by keyword, location, career field includes job search engines where you can search many databases in one step.

· Jobs by Career Field

A comprehensive list of job listings sorted by career field including arts, communications, business, education, not-for-profit, legal, science and technology and more.

· Jobs by Location

Staying or home or relocating? Here's jobs where you want to be.

· Job Fairs

Live and virtual Career Fairs.

· Networking

Networking can sound intimidating and a little bit scary, but, it doesn't have to be and it really does work.

· Using Headhunters, Search Firms and Employment Agencies

Who's who in the world of employment recruiting, when to use a headhunter, and how to select a recruiter who will work effectively for you.



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Eight Hiring Mistakes Employers Make: From Application to Interview

· Do Not Pre-screen Candidates

A half hour phone call can save hours of your organization's time. Pre-screening applicants is a must for recruiting and hiring the best employees. You can discover whether the candidate has the knowledge and experience you need. You can screen for applicants who expect a salary that is out of your league. You can gain a sense about the person's congruity with your culture. Always pre-screen applicants.

· Fail to Prepare the Candidate

If your applicant fails to ask about your company and the specifics of the job for which he or she has applied, help the applicant out. Prepare your applicants better for the interview, so interviewers spend their time on the important issues: determining the candidate's skills and fit within your culture. Prepare the candidate by describing the company, the details of the position, the background and titles of the interviewers.

· Fail to Prepare the Interviewers

You wouldn't choose a college for your child or launch a project without a plan. Why, then, do organizations put so little planning into interviewing candidates for positions? Interviewers need to meet in advance and create a plan. Who is responsible for which types of questions? What aspect of the candidate's credentials is each person assessing? Who is assessing culture fit. Plan to succeed in employee selection in advance.

· Rely on the Interview to Evaluate a Candidate

The interview is a lot of talk. And most frequently, because applicants are not prepped in advance, a lot of interview time is spent giving the candidate information about your organization. Even more time is invested in different interviewers asking the candidate the same questions over and over.

During an interview, candidates tell you what they think you want to hear because they want to successfully obtain a job offer. Organizations are smart when they develop several methods for evaluating candidates in addition to the interview.

· Do Nothing But Talk During an Interview

Every interview needs to have components other than questions, answers and discussion. Walk the candidate through the company. Ask about his or her experience with situations you point out during the walk.

Watch the candidate perform a task such as separating parts or components to get a feel for their "hands-on" ability. Have a documentation or writing candidate write a description of the steps in one of your work processes. See how quickly a person learns a particular task. As long as you use tests and tasks that are directly related to the position for which the individual is interviewing, you will earn reams of relevant information to use in your selection process.

· Evaluate "Personality," Not Job Skills and Experience

People tend to hire people who are similar to themselves. They are the most comfortable with those candidates, of course.

This will kill your organization over time. You need diverse people with diverse personalities to deal with diverse employees and customers. Think about the customer that drives you crazy. Isn't it likely that a new employee with a similar personality would have the same problem? Likewise, hiring a candidate because you enjoyed and liked him or her, as the main qualification, ignores your need for particular skills and experience. Don't do it.


· Fail to Differentiate, Via Testing and Discussion, the Critical Job Skills

How do you differentiate one candidate from another? Everyone has a "wish list" for all of the qualities, skills, personality factors, experience and interests you want to see in your selected employee. You must decide on, and perhaps, test, the skills you most desire in your candidate.

· Develop a Small Candidate Pool

Take the time to build a candidate pool with several candidates who meet the needs of your organization. If you don't have to make a choice among several qualified candidates, your pool is too small. Don't "settle" for someone if you don't have the right person with the skills and experience you need. It's better to reopen your search.



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Interviewing Styles: Tips for Interview Approaches

Interviewing is often just as stressful for the interviewer as it is for the job seeker. Knowing the different types of interviews, and why and when they are successful, can help make your interviews more comfortable for both parties. Organizations frequently try to come up with their own style for interviews. They have a perception about what interviewing can accomplish. Because of this practice, people who are looking for a job find the inconsistency in interviews, from organization to organization, hard and extremely stressful.

· Screening Interviews

Interviews divide into two categories: the screening interview and the hiring or selection interview. Screening interviews are used to qualify a candidate before he or she meets with a hiring manager for possible selection. The hiring or selection interview can take on many different forms. Screening interviews are the normal process for companies to weed out candidates for a single job opportunity. These interviews are usually quick, efficient and low cost strategies that result in a short list of qualified candidates. These interviews save time and money by eliminating unqualified candidates.

If invited to a face to face screening interview, it will usually be with a third party recruiter or someone from the Human Resources department. These are considered the gatekeepers for a company. They are typically experienced and professional interviewers who are skilled at interviewing and screening candidates. These interviewers should be effective at judging character, intelligence, and if the candidate is a good fit for the company culture. They also should be good at identifying potential red flags or problem areas in the candidate's work background and general qualifications. Some examples of screening interviews include the telephone interview, the computer interview, the videoconference interview and the structured interview.

· Telephone Interviews

The telephone interview is the most common way to perform an initial screening interview. This helps the interviewer and the candidate get a general sense if they are mutually interested in pursuing a discussion beyond the first interview. This type of interviewing also saves time and money. They may be tape recorded for the review of other interviewers. The goal, for the candidate during the phone interview, is to arrange a face to face meeting.

· Computer Interviews

The computer interview involves answering a series of multiple-choice questions for a potential job interview or simply for the submission of a resume. Some of these interviews are done through the telephone or by accessing a web site. One type is done with pushing the appropriate buttons on the telephone for the answer you are submitting. Wal-Mart uses this method for screening cashiers, stockers, and customer service representatives.

Another type of computer interviews provided by accessing a website while using a computer keyboard and a mouse. Lowes Home Improvement uses this type of screening. Some of the questions on both of these types of interviews are related to ethics. As an example, «If you see a fellow co-worker take a candy bar and eat it, do you a. Confront co-worker, b. Tell the supervisor, c. Do nothing».

· Video Interviews

Videophone and Video Conferencing interviews provide the transfer of audio and video between remote sites. More than half of the largest U.S. companies already utilize videoconferencing. It is a convenient communication method and an alternative to the more costly face-to-face meetings. Anyone, anywhere in the world can perform videoconferencing with the use of a microphone, camera and compatible software. Videoconferencing is available on the Internet. Its continual drop in cost is making it a popular resource for businesses as well as for home use.

· One-on-One Interviews

This is the traditional interview in which candidates meet with employers in person, one-on-one. Each candidate is given a somewhat unique interview. It can be loosely structured. Both the candidate and employer usually walk away from this interview with a sense of whether or not the fit is right.


Interviews are time consuming and training is needed to do them well. They are a flexible method for assessing and selecting candidates for all levels and types of positions. They generate data, which enables the interviewer to analyze the data to generate information about whether a candidate is a good fit for the company.


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