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Ex. 1 Read the text. Russian investigators have launched a probe against the American rock group Bloodhound Gang who desecrated the Russian flag during a concert in Ukraine

Russian investigators have launched a probe against the American rock group Bloodhound Gang who desecrated the Russian flag during a concert in Ukraine, Investigative Committee spokesperson Vladimir Markin said on Monday.

Proceedings have been initiated against Franks James Moyer, Hennegan Jared Victor and other unidentified individuals who performed actions aimed at the incitement of hatred or enmity, as well as abasement of dignity, Markin said.

As previously reported, during a Bloodhound Gang performance in the Ukrainian port of Odessa on July 31, Jared Hasselhoff crammed a Russian flag inside his pants and literally wiped his behind with it, according to a video posted on YouTube. Russian authorities subsequently canceled the band’s scheduled appearance at the KUBANA Festival near the southern Russian city of Anapa, and were deported from Russia.

According to Markin, Hennegan, who was on the stage with Franks and other members, desecrated the Russian flag.

The display was earlier described as “disgusting” by US Ambassador Michael McFaul, as Russian lawmakers said that the group’s actions could have consequences for other foreign musicians performing in Russia.

“I find the actions of Bloodhound Gang disgusting. I also condemn the act of violence against them,” McFaul tweeted, apparently referring to a subsequent incident in Anapa’s airport when band members were assaulted by local activists before boarding their flight.

A series of high profile Russian lawmakers spoke out against Bloodhound Gang, calling for harsh punishment and suggesting that banning them from performing in Russia could serve as a “precedent” for other foreign musicians.

Desecration of the Russian flag is punishable by up to one year in prison, according to Article 329 of the Russian Criminal Code.


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