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The endocrine system

Typically, the nervous system is adapted to convey messages rapidly between specific locations so that quick responses can be made. In contrast, the endocrine systemis adapted to carry information from one source to many destinations to bring about long-lasting responses.

The endocrine system consists of a number of glands that secrete hormones(organic chemicals, usually proteins or steroids). The glands of the endocrine system are called endocrine glandsor ductless glandsbecause they secrete their hormones directly into the bloodstream. Once inside a blood vessel, a hormone is carried in the bloodstream so that it can reach almost any cell in the body. However, each hormone has its own target cellson which it acts. Therefore, although all the hormones are transported together in the bloodstream, each has its own specific effect on the body. In some cases, a target cell has specific receptor molecules on its cell surface membrane which bind the hormone molecule. Once bound onto the membrane, the hormone brings about its response.

Endocrine glands occur at strategic points around the body. Their hormones regulate a wide range of activities, including blood glucose concentration, gastric secretion, heart rate, metabolism, growth rate, reproduction, and water balance.

■ Glossary of essential terms for you to know

N English term Russian equivalent
1. stimulus зд. раздражитель
2. single-celled одноклеточный
3. multicellular многоклеточный
4. effector нервное окончание; эффектор
5. mammals млекопитающие
6. favourable благоприятный  
7. sense organs органы чувств
8. relatively относительно; довольно
9. spinal cord спинной мозг
10. characteristic features отличительные признаки; характерные черты
11. to transmit nerve impulses передавать нервные импульсы
12. the myelin sheath миелиновая оболочка  
13. ductless glands железы внутренней секреции
14. bloodstream кровоток
15. blood vessel кровеносный сосуд
16. heart rate пульс (частота сердцебиений)
17. to respond to stimuli реагировать на раздражители
18. cranial nerve черепно-мозговой нерв  
19. to process information обрабатывать информацию
20. to enclose окружать; окаймлять
21. insulating material изолирующий материал
22. gastric secretion желудочная секреция

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