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Особые случаи

a) Буквосочетания SH, CK, (T)CH, DG, NG, несмотря на то, что они передают ОДИН звук, на границе слогов рассматриваются как ДВЕ согласные, e.g., mid ● get ['mıd●gʒıt], tic ● ket ['tı●kıt]

б) Буква X, передающая два звука, рассматривается как две согласные, e.g., boxer ['bɒk●sə]


1. Read the words aloud. If the stress is not marked, stress the first syllable

a) client – lion dial – trial riot – quiet

science – giant vial – violin liar – prior

flyer – triumph fluid – ruined fuel – dual

poet – poem


b) dialect diary theatre fluency cruelty

dialogue liable diamond theory diaper

diagram violate violent violin violet


2. Read aloud

a) gazer grazer grocer glider

miner fever super tuber

data coda soda sofa

quota China human slogan

b) amber banner summer supper

dinner number member butter

pepper shelter winter grammar

beggar collar cellar delta

seldom bottom common mental

symbol crystal ribbon cotton


3. Read aloud

a) flaring daring parent baring

staring sharing squaring caring Mary flaring firing virus wiring fireman siren plural curing fury purest during


b) squirrel quarrel cherry carry

marry sorry ferry porridge

hurry horrid parrot merry


c) marry – Mary merry – merely pre'fer – ferry

carry – caring service – sin'cerely curly – curing


4. Divide the word into syllables, determine the type of reading of the stressed vowel and read it.

Joker, oval, pilot, Polish, Harry, Finnish, shiny, science, motor, ruler, silver, copper, music, minus, global, carrot, college, terrace, notice, sentence, spider, subject, vacant, ultra, tulip, cedar, dial.


5. Letters and Sounds (revision). Find a way from Start to Finish. You may NOT pass a square if the word in it has the sound [z]. You can move horizontally or vertically only.



spots squares prize since six sports
streets wise sells sits exact escapes
rice rise sense science lose lost
oasis desert smokes songs crisps box
place face snacks seas voice boxes
plays phase nose smiles focus concert




Двусложные слова: Ударение и особенности чтения ударных гласных

ударный слог безударный слог


2. В словах без приставок ударение падает на первый слог ■ □ 'Famous, 'former, 'easy, 'narrow, 'fever, 'always, 'many, 'dirty, 'pretty [ı], 'clever, 'physics, 'lyrics, 'poem
3. В наречиях, предлогах и союзах с приставками: a- be- de- in- ударение падает на второй слог □ ■ A'bout, a'way, a'long, a'fire, a'ware, be'yond, be'fore, be'cause, be'low, des'pite, in'spite
4. В глаголах с приставками: con- / co- in- / im- / ir- / il- sub- / su- ad- / a- for- dis- /de- ob- / o- ex- / e- pre- pro- re- se- abs- trans- en- per- ударение падает на второй слог □ ■ Con'duct, cor'rode, col'lect, in'vert, im'brute, ad'mit, at'test, ac'cept, af'fect, sub'net, sup'pose, suc'ceed, dis'tract, dif'fuse, o'mit, ex'cuse, ef'fect, abs'tract, trans'mit, en'able, de'scribe, for'get, per'mit, pre'pare, pro'duce, re'peat, se'lect, be'gin
5. Если одно и то же слово с приставкой является и существительным и глаголом, то в существительном ударение будет на первом слоге, а в глаголе – на втором. ■ □ (N), □ ■ (V) 'Record – to re'cord, 'export – to ex'port, 'import – to im'port, 'transport – to trans'port
Примечание:Во многих подобных парах у существительных и глаголов может быть одинаковое ударение, e.g. re'ply, 'promise
6. Если оба слога принадлежат корню, а вторая (безударная) гласная читается как [i] или [ju:], то ударная гласная в открытом слоге читается по правилу закрытого слога (II тип чтения), например, merit ['merıt] Planet, merit, value, volume, menu, panic, Paris, manage, spirit  
Исключения: 1) в таких словах ударная гласная U читается, как обычно (Type I), например, stupid ['stju:pıd] 2) Если такое слово заканчивается на букву Y,толюбая ударная гласная читается, как обычно (Type I) например, baby ['beibı], НО: many ['mænı] stupid, tulip, lady, baby, navy, tiny, icy, holy, pony.


1. Read and compare:

back – a'back flame – a'flame jar – a'jar

bed – abed while – awhile ware – aware

long – along side – aside part – apart

miss – amiss slope – aslope fire – afire

top – atop fore – afore stern – astern

shore – ashore far – afar fore – before


2. Read according to the pattern □ ■

ago across against alert

adrift awash apace amid

beyond belike alike afresh

aflame abloom afloat afraid

around abroad aloud asleep


3. Read the verbs according to the pattern □ ■

regress – progress depress – repress remit – befit

persist – resist respond – despond revolve – resolve

result – repulse belong – prolong debate – berate

deface – deflate repose – depose provoke – revoke

reduce – deduce refute – refuse define – refine

deny – rely regard – remark reply – debark

report – deport reform – deform reserve – preserve

perverse – return refer – defer prefer – reverse

prepare – restore require – desire perspire – retire

secure – procure endure – allure deploy – destroy

alloy – enjoy appoint – exploit recoil – rejoice

delay – betray convey – obey announce–pronounce

remain – refrain retrain – engrain declare – deplore

4. Read and compare:

an 'accent – to ac'cent, 'import – to im'port, a 'contract – to con'tract, 'content – to con'tent, 'export – to ex'port, 'contest – to con'test, 'convict – to con'vict, 'perfect – to per'fect, a 'record – to re'cord, 'contrast – to con'trast, 'desert – to de'sert, 'object – to ob'ject, 'rebel – to re'bel, 'present – to pre'sent, 'protest – to pro'test, 'progress – to pro'gress.


² 5. Read the sentences and decide what a stress pattern the words in italics have. Then listen, check and repeat [EB1]

Model: I got my first record as a present when I was eleven.

record = ■ □, present = ■ □

1) You’ve progressed well this year, but I’d like to see even more progress.

2) We import too much petrol and the country’s export figures are going down.

3) It started as a student protest, but now the army has rebelled against the government.

4) In the desert, there is a big contrast between temperatures in the day and at night.

5) These companies produce household objects such as fridges and washing machines.


6. Read the words with the stressed vowel as in the closed syllable

Spanish vanish banish famish panic planet

Latin cabin lavish acid tacit finish

British rigid civic rabid facet static

physics vivid vigil river rapid malice

Alice timid visit critic savage damage

manage palace palate ravine image solid

profit topic logic tonic sonic modest

volume statue menu tribune Paris merit

spirit forest parish peril cherish lyrics


7. Read and compare:

a) magnet – planet picnic – critic fizzing – visit

porridge – forage pallet – palace simple – civil

pantry – panic bandit – Latin office – promise

rabbit – habit carry – Paris hobby – topic

coffin – profit rescue – venue Finnish – finish


b) rive – rigid dive – digit five – vivid

pale – palace mane – manage grape – cabin

came – damage lime – image save – savage

scheme – chemist tribe – tribune cede – edit

scene – senate mode – module ale – Alice


c). vanish – lady planet – baby valid – navy

digit – icy civil – tiny topic – holy


8. Read the words with prefixes. Mind the stress.

Invert, deserve, repeat, renew, inspire, comply, impress, subdue, collide, depress, assist, address, immure, acquit, attest, correct, transmit, suppress, dismiss, excel, arrest, assume, oppose, succeed.

9. Find the prefix in the word if any, put the stress and read the words

Happy, morrow, plenum, derive, offend, rider, cotton, copper, commune, effuse, persist, reddish, corrupt, allege, accuse, sorry, conduce, complete, allude, attract, private, rival, disgrace, compel, collapse, convene, remain, proceed, propel, discern, assault, appear, awake, reject, eject, dismount, amount, revenge, avenge, submerge, emerge, involve, evolve, submit, omit, emit.


10. Letters and Sounds (revision). Find a way from Start to Finish. You may pass a square only if the word in it has the sound [ɳ]. You can move horizontally or vertically only.



sing think thick strong wrong rung
sign uncle unless drug strange comb
thanks angry signal drank English finger
anxious angel single monkey money young
language tongue skiing skin came ink
lounge danger band dream swim wing





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