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Choose the right meaning of the underlined word

1) They entertained the little scruple in appropriating the property of other people to their own use.

a) a unit of weight equal to 20 grains (1.296 grams);

b) a doubt or hesitation as to what is morally right in a certain situation;

c) a very small amount of something.


2) There was but little prospect of obtaining more information.

a) a probability or chance for future success, esp. as based on present work or aptitude;

b) a survey or observation;

c) a known or likely deposit of ore.


3) She gave him an askance look, which Tom didn’t notice.

a) to produce an oblique glance;

b) to treat someone with doubt or mistrust;

c) to show one’s enmity.


4) Her face was so rigid as to wear an oldened aspect.

a) a distinct feature or element in a problem, situation;

b) the way in which a problem, idea, etc., may be considered;

c) a facial expression; manner of appearing.


5) The conversation with the US representative afforded foreign investors with useful information.

a) to be able to do or spare something;

b) to give, yield, or supply;

c) to generate.


6) Having engaged the room for the night, she sat down to think.

a) to involve (a person or his attention) intensely;

b) to take part; participate;

c) to secure for use; reserve.


7) Jessie was the one who has proved the virtue of the remedy.

a) a particular moral excellence;

b) any admirable quality, feature, or trait;

c) an effective, active, or inherent power or force.


8) Eventually she reappeared in her old parish – absolutely refusing, however, to have anything to do with the provision made for her.

a) necessities, esp. for an expedition;

b) a demand, condition, or stipulation formally incorporated in a document; proviso;

c) contribution.


9) One night we were both idling about the neighborhood, doubtful to what amusement we should next betake ourselves.

a) not working;

b) not operating or being used;

c) wasting or passing (time) fruitlessly or inactively.


10) Those little personal peculiarities exercised, however, no repelling influence on me.

a) to take exercise or perform exercises; exert one's muscles, etc., esp. in order to keep fit;

b) to bring to bear; exert;

c) to practise using in order to develop or train.


Задание 4. Сделайте литературный перевод следующих предложений:


Ключ к заданию №3:

b a a c b c c b c b


Перевод предложений в задании № 4:

Интересно, как она поживает.

У Джейсона странное чувство юмора, может быть поэтому все считают его выскочкой.

Они делают язвительные замечания для того, чтобы разлучить нас.

Столкнувшись с бытовыми проблемами, Джессика и Том решили расстаться.

Я слишком умный для этого.

Все мы должны бороться за свои права.

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