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In the communicative-functional aspect


Essay: 80 pp, 6 fig, 7 tab, 21 ref, 3 app.




The object of the research is a microsystem of noun attributive word groups of modern English represented by 4111 units.

The aim of the research is to study communicative-functional interrelation of noun attributive word groups in modern English.

The methods used are as follows: transformational method, methods of componential, contextual and quantitative analysis.

The main results of the investigation are as follows:

1. Two opposing tendencies (interchangeability and complementarity) condition interrelation of noun attributive word groups in the process of their functioning in speech.

2. Interchangeability of noun attributive word groups is stipulated, firstly, by the existence of similar semantic relations between their noun constituents. Secondly, it is also conditioned by a certain similarity of the lexico-semantic potential of the models of these word groups. Thirdly, it is based on the existence of individual correlative units having identical constituent parts.

3. The way of characterising an object (indication of only one property or a number of them) is also relevant in the process of functioning of noun attributive word groups in speech.

The data obtained in the investigation can be useful in theory of English theoretical grammar, semantics of syntax, as well as in teaching English and translation.

The author of the paper confirms that the calculated and analytical evidence reflect the state of the process under investigation correctly and objectively. All the theoretical and methodological provisions and conceptions borrowed from literary sources are accompanied by the references to their authors.

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