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I Want To Be a Businessman


I. Vocabulary. Read and learn the following words:

Aspirations – помыслы, искания

To remain – оставаться

Merely – только, просто

To crave for – желать чего-либо

To fulfill –соответствовать, отвечать, реализовать

Significant – значимый, важный, знаковый, существенный, весомый

To be inherent – быть неотъемлемым, характерным, присущим

Foremost – прежде всего, наиглавнейший, первостепенный

To comprehend – осмыслить, понимать, осознавать

Agile mind – живой ум

Incentive – стимул, толчок, мотивация, побуждение, заинтересованность

To accomplish – выполнять, осуществлять, совершать, достигать, добиваться

To revere – почитать, уважать

To boost – повысить, усилить, активизировать, увеличивать, стимулировать

Self-esteem – самооценка

Pitfall – ловушка, ошибка, подводный камень

To bring somebody down – сбить кого-либо с толку

To maintain – поддерживать, сохранять

Entrepreneurial occupation – предпринимательская деятельность



II. Reading. Read and translate the following text:



After realizing that without putting much effort into my life aspirations, I came to idea that I can remain merely a person without somewhat that would make me feel successful. I have always wanted to be at the top of the pyramid of people’s importance. This is why I crave for fulfilling myself through becoming somebody who takes the reigns over financial affairs of different kinds. In other words, I want to be a businessman.


Before making such a significant decision, I tried to weigh all pros and cons that are inherent in the occupation of my interest. First and foremost, I comprehend the fact that being a businessman is not simple at all. On the contrary, it is a tough and time-consuming job that would not ever let me relax. However, a huge advantage of being occupied in that area is that by applying my agile mind I would make a lot of money. Secondly, I would be a highly respected person which gives me a serious incentive to accomplish any tasks in order to make my dream come true. Businessmen are revered by the majority of people. I believe that this way in my life would be of great significance for boosting my self-esteem. This is why I think that being a busy businessman is worth it, even though it requires hard work.


Perhaps I do not fully realize many difficulties that I would have to face if once I managed to become a businessman. There could be a number of pitfalls that would try to bring me down. Nevertheless, I maintain a positive outlook on life and I prefer to think that my future entrepreneurial occupation will bring me nothing but joy and success.


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