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Future Tenses

We use Examples Explanation
Be going to + Infinitive 1. He is going to fly to Rome tomorrow.   2. I like acting. I am going to be an actor. 3. Watch out! You are going to fall over. 1) to express things already decided in the near future. 2) to express intentions 3) when there is an evidence that something will definitely happen
Present Continuous 1. I’m getting married in June. 2. My cousin from Australia is coming next week. to talk about future events that we have already fixed or arranged
Present Simple 1. The train leavesPlymouth at 11.30 and arrives in London at 14.45. 2. What time does the film begin? 3. I start my new job on Monday. 1) to talk about timetables, programmes etc. 2) for people if their plans are fixed like a timetable.


Will / shall + Infinitive without to 1. It’s cold. I’ll close the window. 2. It will rain tomorrow. 3. Do you think Sarah will like the present we bought her? 4. If he comes early, we will go to the cinema. 5. I’ll go and pick them up as soon as the classes end. 1) to express on-the-spot decision. 2) to express predictions, promises, warnings, offers, requests etc. 3) with probably, I expect, I’m sure, I think, I wonder. 4) in time clauses after when, as soon as, after, before 5) in the first conditional sentences after if.

1. Sally and her family are going on holiday to Scotland. Read the extract from Sally’s letter below and say how many different ways of referring to the future there are.

I prefer swimming really, and I am going to take my fishing-rod too, of course. I’m sure I will really enjoy it. Oh, by the way, we leave on Saturday 26th at 11:05. Mum is buying all the tickets tomorrow.

Which of them refer to:

- something Sally thinks will happen

- something Sally intends to do in the future

- a definite arrangement

- timetables and dates.

2. Rewrite each sentence or question with going to.

Joe plans to buy a new computer next year.

Joe is going to buy a new computer next year.

1. We don’t plan to play tennis this weekend.

2. Does Nick plan to join the sports club?

3. Look! That tree is about to fall over!

4. I don’t intend to get a new car.

5. The forecast for tomorrow is rain.

3. Complete each sentence or question. Use will or won’t and the verb in brackets.

I (choose) will choose the team next week.

1. You (not have) a lot of time to answer the questions.

2. Mr. Jones (be) back at about 7.30.

3. (you give) us any homework on Friday?

4. I think our team (win) the match.

5. There (not be) any lessons tomorrow.

4. Complete the sentences with will or going to and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Look at those clouds. It … (snow).

2. … we (have) books in libraries in the future, do you think?

3. You’ve made dinner! … you (do) the washing up too?

4. In my opinion, because of the Internet there …(not be) any TV in fifty years.

5. Susan and David are in love. They … (get) married.

5. Complete each sentence with the present continuous form of the verb in brackets. Then tick (ü) the sentences which refer to the future.

Next summer Kate (spend) is spending a month in France. (ü)

1. Hurry up, Mehmet. Everyone (wait) for you.

2. (you do) anything on Friday? Do you want to come to a party?

3. Helen (read) in bed at the moment.

4. We (go) to the cinema this evening.

5. David (leave) tomorrow. Have you said goodbye to him?

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