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Read the dialogue and find out the breeds of the dogs

- Have you got any pets?

- Yes, I have. I’ve got a dog. His name is Dick.

- What colour is your dog?

- It’s brown and white.

- How old is your dog?

- It’s five years old.

- It is clever, isn’t it?

- Yes, it is.

- Do you like to play with him?

- Yes, I do. When I come home I always play with him.

- How do you take care of Dick?

- Every morning I give him food and some water. I always feed my pet from its own bowl. I keep its bowl apart from the family’s dishes and wash it separately. In the evening I take my dog for long walks and then I brush him at home.

- What does your dog like to eat?

- He likes meat, bones, bread, milk, soup, porridge, potatoes and sausages. I feed him at regular times and don’t give him snacks between meals.

- Do you train your pet?

- Certainly. I train my dog through encouragement and reward.

- Do you take Dick to the vet?

- Regularly.

- Are there any rules for the dogs when you take them for a walk?

- I never take my dog into a food store. I always keep my pet on a leash when it is near a road. I don’t allow my dog to be noisy and disturb the neighbors.

- I heard that in the old days sailing ships had a Newfoundland dog on board the ship.

- You’re right. If a sailor fell into the sea, the dog jumped in and rescued him.

- St. Bernard dogs are very good at finding lost people in the snow, aren’t they?

- Yes, they are. St. Bernard dogs can smell a man under two meters of snow.

- The first guide dogs for the blind were German, weren’t they?

- Yes, they were. They helped blind soldiers from World War 1.Guide dogs are usually Labradors or Alsatian.

Read the dialogue again and describe Dick. Tell about his colour, age, habits, food he eats and rules he has to follow.

Study the morphology of the dog and match the English words with the numbers.

Tail, back, muzzle, head, loin, ear, jaw, stop, cheek, neck

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